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Glytch's Comments

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Title: 2 x the SQUAREbeam
Filename: felix8.xm
Posted Fri 8th Apr 2011
Rated 10 / 10
This one really hits the nail "Square" on the head! ;)
Srsly tho: I've been listening to classic Chiptunes & such virtually all my life(since 1997)
This one is among the best...An instant classic!
Reiterating what Tokash said; It really has that 'old skool' feel to it with a softer, more refined edge. Energetic, Technotronic and cutesy. Really fits my mood perfectly right now! Just what I was looking for.
Ranking up there with "Back in 1982" or "0ld sk00l Wizard" on the "Classic Game musik" scale. This music brings me back to flying a killer highspeed shooter of some sort, trying to save the world. Epic
Although, It stands on it's own, apart from those with it's high quality instrumentation and pro-style arranging. Any "Techno" fan could groove to this. Has a really nice "relaxed energy" feel to it. Really I can't give enough praise to this, I think it's perfect! 10 out of 10
Usually, I am more critical. The only negative here is that it ENDS! lol.. Please remix an xtended version or something... I can't get enough! This song is full of Epic Win :D

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Title: Una musica del chip
Filename: am-fm_-_una_musica_del_chip.mod
Posted Mon 28th Feb 2011
Rated 6 / 10
I agree with Tobbx... It's a solid chiptune and has alot of good components to it.. but it just seems a bit dull as he said.. It doesn't grab my attention even though it's parts are good. As the saying going about the whole being more than the sum of it's parts: I'd say the reverse is true about this one. I am sure it could be epic with some more work! Thx for the decent submission!

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Title: algar-chillout.xm
Filename: algar-chillout.xm
Posted Mon 28th Feb 2011
Rated 7 / 10
Deffinately worth a listen! It's starts out strong and has a nice old-skool feel to it. The instrument samples are more pleasent than most and arranged in a nice compilations.

Unfortunately - It's short and has a weak ending... Perhaps the Artist didn't know where it should go, neither do I... However, I'd really like to see an extended remix of this with additional melody and instrumentation Taking queues from true old-skool Cracktros and other keygens etc!

Great job!