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Freshhouse's Comments

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Title: solid state anthem
Filename: solidsta.mod
Posted Fri 10th Nov 2017
Rated 10 / 10
Oh, those were the days when i was making house/techno-music with OctaMed on the Amiga. This was one of my favourites. But i notice that this tune and "freshhouse" doesnt exist when you search for them among house-music in general, so it seem to be creations of mod-makers.

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Title: fresh house
Filename: freshhou.mod
Posted Fri 10th Nov 2017
Rated 10 / 10
Oh.. those were the days when i made music with OctaMEd on the Amiga. This was my all time fauvorite! Now I downloaded it but it saves as a text-file, and cant be played on my program Audacity, which is a newer module-player. Can someone help me?