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muLperi's Comments

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Title: Captured Sun
Filename: captured_sun.s3m
Posted Mon 9th Sep 2024
Rated 10 / 10
I always wondered where the name originated and if the music was actually from a game.
A friend of mine (Dreamtime) asked Skaven and he replied: (freely translated)

"Hello! I am glad to hear that my music has been entertaining for such a long time :) I just had to come up with an epic name and at that time I was reading Warhammer 40k rulebook. I was a fan of that world. I think I came up with Space hulk from that.
But now that I think about it, I had a game idea when Sami "Psi" Tammilehto was programming a graphics routine that worked like Wolfensten 3D. The idea was a space shooter game located in Dyson Sphere -like structure built around a red dwarf. That red dwarf was like in a cage and that's why the name would have been Captured Sun. The game never went forward beyond the graphics routine."

I wanted to share this since I think it is very interesting story and part of demoscene history.
This module has been one of my all time favourites. Even though most of the time I skip the end :D
it is masterfully crafteed like all Skaven modules.

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Title: viraxor_-_overoverover.mod
Filename: viraxor_-_overoverover.mod
Posted Sat 31st Aug 2024
Rated 8 / 10
I like it! Very good selection of sounds and nice melodies.

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Title: Inverted cosmos
Filename: inverted_cosmos.xm
Posted Thu 29th Aug 2024
Rated 10 / 10
Absolutely a masterpiece! The chorus especially is so beautiful. The right amount of melancholic but still some uplifting chords.
Very cinematic and nice composition.

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Title: crystalhammer
Filename: crystalhammer.mod
Posted Thu 29th Aug 2024
Rated 10 / 10
This is such an iconic tune and nostalgic for me. I used to listen to it as a child a lot. We had Amiga500 and played Crystal Hammer a lot.

In addition to being very catchy tune with good melodies, it is very well crafted using the 4 channels and has nice selection of sounds.