Wub56 (asikwp_-_wub56.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 7th Jan 2020
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+-----_¯¯-ASIKWUS-------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦ Wub56 - by ASIKWUSpulse ¦ ¦ ¦ +-------------------------------------------------------------¯__-pulse-------+ Made for s3xmoditmania VII, ROUND 2 where it ranked bronze (3rd) of 13 entries :D Composed by I. Wüst (asikwus_henke) Module-description--- Conscious music-writing that made a conscious fill, that forced unconsciousness, then broke computer and suddenly... a... uhhh.... melodic glitchcore??? --------------------- Playback------------- Loop: No Interpolation: None --------------------- Dates---------------- (Created ; Finished): 2019/08/01 ; 2019/08/04 Prepared for archiving: 2020/01/07
arichbossbwoh [FX] Skappadoobapp [DRUM] DRUM 1 HIHAT TRANCE KICK obpad - sweep [PAD] obpad - stab [PAD] Big Bassband [BASSPAD] Slap Bass [BASS] Pick Bass [BASS] Square Pluck [OSTI] Train Walrustle Horns [BRASS] Brass [BRASS] FM Jazz Organ PipeReaverLead Jump Synth Chimestrings SMW Violin SMW Steeldrum DISTORT HIHAT Monkey Distorted Bass Baby T-rex Harmonica Piano Guitar Orchistral Hit Puff Pad arichbossbwoh K.Roolchasedrumsfill K.Roolchasedrumsfill K.Roolchasedrumsfill K.Roolchasedrumsfill K.Roolchasedrumsfill K.Roolchasedrumsfill K.Roolchasedrumsfill K.Roolchasedrumsfill K.Roolchasedrumsfill MetlHarm Snaredrum.wav Side Stik SPC2ITSAMPLE 08 Shop_00 a-1-kick-1 Reel Funk Amen 059 Low Timbale 081-2 Cymbal b4 hardkick2 obpad obpad finished on 15 aug 94 147299__hkutluay__slap-ba Bass squarewave walrus Horns Brass Section-C4 Jazz Organ 21-PipeReaverLead jump Chime _1 steel drum SPC2ITSAMPLE arichbossbwoh 19 damnyou damnyou WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON COM WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON COM HIT IT WORK THAT SUCKER TO DEATH Technology Ana Stab Harmonica Piano 1 VDO_120_A_Elec_Git_Light_ Whistle Orchistral Hit 3 A67 Poppin' Pad Blue Vox Reel Funk Wah
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
I made this entry for s3xmoditminia 7 round 2 on my laptop, because iirc the network-line to the area of our home got cut off by accident and I only had access to internet through my phone, so the laptop was the only way to do stuff at that moment.
Then I forgot about the module after round 2 was done, and some months later, the cable of my external hdd got broken, and that's where I use to store my stuff from my full laptop nowadays, including the original module of wub56 :)
I decide to wait with uploading until I got the new cable, since I only had access to the compability-exported internet-upload through SincXs site.
Now it's finally up and now you know a boring backstory about why it's uploaded so late after the compo :p - ASIKWUSpulse