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Gargoyle's Comments


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Title: Spacewalk II (c) 2000 LG
Filename: swalk2.it
Posted Tue 20th Jun 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This one is ... different. Synthjazz? Clubpop? Check this out: A synthesizer rhythm base, jazzy octave runs, chip arpeggios, a bombing drum solo and all sorts of breaks. C64 meets penthouse party. Or the other way round. This tune is HOT. And sovereign. And funny. What?!? This is massive. Not less than THIRTEEN channels have been used for a highly complicated drumtrack only! Excellent use of the volume column effects, nice chord progression and gapless dissolves from one tune part to another. And the way the piano is used really deserves respect. *bow*

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Title: omc-fnk.s3m
Filename: omc-fnk.s3m
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This is a short funky one, consisting of a bass guitar, drums, keyboard and vibes. It is only about a minute long and looped. Ideal for a "Loading, please wait" screen. :-) The vibes and the keyboard are used for "improvisation" rather than for melody. The song uses blues key, and has its main weight on the bass. All samples are 8-bit, which is a pity because the drum sequences are very good indeed. Very advanced use of effects and maximum effectiveness on 9 channels. Maybe this tune is too short to count as a "song", but you should check it out anyway.

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Title: The Sound of Progress!
Filename: oop__s.s3m
Posted Fri 24th Mar 2000
Rated 2 / 10
I gave two points for the good laugh. A bass guitar, a drumkit and strings in puberty are run over by a coughing guitar. Sounds like a punk band during its very first session (drunk of course). Or like some Monty Python movie scene (take a look at the title... EVERYONE: I hereby encourage y'all to hand in your philosophical approaches on the song in relationship with the song name) :-) Well I have to admit that even the weirdnesses change turns - it is by no means a tune that has been made by a bored person. A joke? Definitely. A weird one. Sigh. Made some use of the limited stereo functions the S3M format offers. Slides everywhere, maybe at random, maybe not. Who knows? Managed to keep arrangement on the funny side.

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Title: Obscurity
Filename: obscurit.xm
Posted Fri 24th Mar 2000
Rated 7 / 10
The artist has assembled 12 samples of varying quality to a slow, experimental drum & bass song. Some samples suggest that the song was originally intended as a chiptune. The soft background "melody" (four notes on a vib. sample) is repeating over and over, wasting "mood factor", and the overall impression is a bit thin for a song that lasts three minutes. Nonetheless, its a very original mixture; though I think there could have been made more of it. Interesting noise samples and the smallest triangle sample (11 bytes) I have ever witnessed. Only 12 patterns have been used. Few, but well applied effects. The panning and volume handling deserve some extra points, since they should be taken a close look at when listening to this one.

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Title: Emotional Orgasm
Filename: desp3.xm
Posted Wed 8th Mar 2000
Rated 8 / 10
An unconventional background melody, growing slowly to a 4/4 dance build. The bassline has been carefully laid out. What I miss a bit is a leading melody: The piano parts are very nice indeed, but they don't really form a union with the rest of the song. Instead there are the primary instruments changing from time to time - an interplay of piano and synthetic sounds. Well maybe the title is a bit far-fetched ;-) since there are some details which could be improved, but on the whole I think this song deserves its 8 points. Very good sample quality in most cases. Nearly all samples are 8-bit, but they have been polished to the max. Talking about technique, the drum track and piano parts have been privileged here. The handling of the instrument panning leaves nothing to complain about. Pattern effects have been applied well and only when necessary. At the end, the song fades a bit too fast and in steps. Try this song with ImpulseTracker and earphones.

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Title: Cold OverWorld
Filename: overwrld.s3m
Posted Wed 8th Mar 2000
Rated 3 / 10
Four string notes are being played. Many cute instruments and windy effects doodle around them (in stereo) but cannot decide on who's the boss. After three minutes and without having settled the argument about who the hell shall define the melody, they hope that the listener does not stop the song saying "Hm. Next please.". Then the tune loops. Yawn. Nothing spectacular. A few effects have been used - it seems to me that this artist could write much better songs than this with enough practice.

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Title: Overture
Filename: overture.mod
Posted Wed 8th Mar 2000
Rated 9 / 10
Wow! Quite an old song by Jogeir. Unreviewed!! :-) After a typical jogeir-ish intro with octave runs and fading effects, a peaceful flute melody determines the song afterwards. Then a clavinova part follows and in the coda flute and clavinova harmonize. Great work! While writing this review, I can only put this one on repeat - there are so many new details to discover each time I listen to it. The bass strings are not only used to decorate the song, but to enhance the melodies. There are no drums at all, but they would be out of place anyway. This song is totally awesome. Jogeir squeezed every drop out of the .MOD format. 4 channels is a very limited base to work with, and so it surprises me even more how easily he handles the whole effects palette. The samples' quality is not good, but hey, this song dates from 1992? My respect...

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Title: The Intro
Filename: ointro.xm
Posted Thu 2nd Mar 2000
Rated 1 / 10
Geeeeeeee... one minute seventeen of terror. Play this loudly to drive your neighbors insane. There is not a miasm of a melody or anything near it. It seems to me that this "song" has been spoilt on purpose - there isn't even a key you can stick to. This is depressing. I cannot believe that this is actually a RELEASED tune. 4 patterns. One beat per second. 128 lines per pattern where 64 would have been more than enough. A bit playing-around with instrument functions. Bad samples. Junk. Well I am really TRYING to find words to describe this... 465kb of wasted webspace. No offense.

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Title: Dear Old Friends /Octopvs
Filename: ofriends.it
Posted Thu 2nd Mar 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This is a difficult one for me to review. The song starts with a repeating melody using acoustic guitar (?) and strings which accompanies the other instruments throughout the whole song. After about one minute a distorted guitar takes over. There are a number of variations using the guitar - Octopvs definitely knows something about rock music, and some of the guitar parts prove this. But other patterns are quite awful to listen to simply because of the bad sample quality. Once again, much attention is drawn to the drum parts, since they are of major importance. A minimum of effects is used. Some samples, especially the bass, are out of tune. One guitar sample isn't enough to make a good rock song. Gosh, I wonder how this one would sound like if Octopvs played the guitar riffs himself and replaced the samples. Considering that this is one of Octopvs' earlier works (1997), and having in mind other songs like "Staring at the Moon", I think this one had an enormous potential if it were redone. I would be glad if I had the chance to hear another version of this song. :-)

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Title: OB1 - Negative Force
Filename: ob1.it
Posted Wed 1st Mar 2000
Rated 8 / 10
There goes R2... after the initial sample from StarWars the drums kick in. And it is the excellent drum samples that dominate the song from this point on. There isn't much of a melody, but an interesting arrangement of effects, voice and guitar samples. It would fit best as background music for a game. Experimental synthrock - definitely not relaxing :-) but worth a download because noone can deny that there has been made an effort to create rhythm. The artist managed to create something out of drums and ...well, noise, which turned out to be a solid piece of unconventional music. Well done! There are about 20 channels in action. The artist used only few column effects and concentrated more on the advanced volume/panning/pitch configuration of his instruments. Some of the samples have been laid too much on the left channels; I recommend that you reduce channel separation before listening to this song. But all in all, it's a thumbs-up for (M)Rated.
