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GaffL's Comments

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Title: Give Thanks -=GA=-
Filename: givethanks.it
Posted Tue 7th Sep 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This piece of music shows good music skills. We hear a LOT of different piano samples playing together, resulting in a various music experience. This song is not repetetive at all! Enjoy this tune in your car, your livingroom, or simply when You're out of inspiration for a piano tune... At the start, this song sounds really great, but I think the artist should consider making better instruments. The samples are really good, but a lot could have been done on fading and looping. Some of the piano touches sound somewhat "fake"... Well, still this song is a musical experience you shouldn't miss.

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Title: Goobye Russia!
Filename: goodbyer.xm
Posted Sun 27th Jun 1999
Rated 7 / 10
The harmony in this song is very good. With a bit more work it could be in a movie where a person is living his homecountry by train or something. It's a sad but nice song. If you're in the mood for it, I'd say download it! The chords are very well arranged with the main piano, and this make it sound very professional. The effects and the instrument use is barely average, but the tune is a bit simple, so not much is needed. The chord changes is a factor that pulls this mod up to an average.

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Title: Great Battle 7
Filename: gbat7.s3m
Posted Sun 27th Jun 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song really fits it's name. Just picture yourself the battlefields, and the fight can begin. It has some annoying parts(because of some too loud instruments), but the end sounds glorious and is well composed. The beginning is a different style than the beginning. It's moore groovy, especially the bass. A good mod. Listen to it's end! The technical side of this song is quite good. A couple of volume differences wouldn't harm at all though. Except from that there's nothing to complain about. It's no exceptionally great technical mod, but it's still worth the download.

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Title: Another Planet (Galaxy 2)
Filename: galaxy2.it
Posted Sun 27th Jun 1999
Rated 4 / 10
Is this song really a song at all? I's more like an intro to a song. It's duration is only 1 minute, and there is really lack of variation. It can be looped, but after some loops you are expecting something more to come. It could maybe be background music in a game menu or something like that. The artist has some technical skills to show, but a lot could have been done. There is a tempochange and some commands, but nothing really outstanding. Premade drumloops! ...oops... we don't like that you know! The same loop keeps on playing the very same rythm through the whole song. Samples sounds good to be 8 bit. One thing more: Why use 17 channels when less than 10 is used...?

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Title: arc-qyrex
Filename: gg_arc.xm
Posted Sat 26th Jun 1999
Rated 5 / 10
The song starts with some quick cello/violin samples, and I start to think that the genre is classical. But then a cool beat breaks through, then the piano. The piano theme isn't really great, but if you are interested in the rythm you should concider downloading this mod. The drums fit very well to the theme, but they are premade drums. I don't really like that, and in this song there is more that is premade. Parts of the PIANO is premade. Since the mod contains some vocals (screams and murmling), the artist should try to limit the size on the other samples by not using premade piano. Samples are good and the instruments are well set up

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Title: Storm Warning \(+)\
Filename: st3_storm.it
Posted Sat 26th Jun 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This song begins with a thrilling thunder effect, something that put me in the perfect mood for listening to this music genre. After 20 secs of thunder and wavesounds, the drums make their entry. Rythm is pretty cool, and it actually changes when the song is half played, resulting in a nice liftup for the song For some people this mod can be a bit irritating, but also make you lay down in bed and relax..... I couldn'd see many advanced effects in this song, but it didn't need much more than the instruments. The samples are good, and they all match very well together. If you like this style, my recommandation is: Download it!