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Vorpal 86's Comments

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Title: introtune #2
Filename: am-fm_-_introtune2.xm
Posted Thu 31st Dec 2009
Rated 10 / 10
This tune is perfect for a game intro. I've it set, flying into the moon with a bogey on your tail... Whoot? (as time is very important) chasing after the bogey only to find out it has vanished into the stars.. Wait! Quickly approaching there is an asteroid coming at you.. Bam! The explosion and debris in space aside from your cargo carrier which slowly drops onto the moon's surface. Determined to find out what's going on, you enter the space Car inside the cargo ship and set forth to find the answer... :)

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Title: My First Console
Filename: aceman_-_my_first_console.xm
Posted Thu 31st Dec 2009
Rated 9 / 10
Great lazy tune. Would fit a platform game level. :)