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Download: ![]() ![]() Title: OVER 1003 Filename: over_1003.xm |
Posted Sun 28th Jun 2015
Rated 9 / 10 |
What a beauty. I'm sitting here, looking out over the trees, houses and grey clouds from my living room, sipping my coffee as I'm listening to this and it fits the mood inspired by typical Danish weather perfectly. Even though it is a techno track with a strong beat, melody and harmony are really what drives this one home. It is simple but very pretty, very moody and dark, and as the big, reverby synths ring out through my room, I'm even feeling a bit emotionally stirred. Doesn't happen often with module trakcs for me. Goes into the favourite pile. Thank you! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: WEARTH Filename: eatme_-_bushwhacker2.xm |
Posted Sun 28th Jun 2015
Rated 2 / 10 |
This is a track that I feel like doesn't even WANT to be liked. Annoying, repetetive voice samples that add nothing musical to the track, annoying, stressful beats and synths. Musical ideas stay firmly in 'argh! make it stop!' territory and I'm not even sure the whole mess is all that original. I don't know what the point of this is. I'm out of my depth here. Someone else, please review this too and tell me what I'm missing D: ! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Fruity Dynamite Filename: 03_fruity_dynamite.xm |
Posted Sun 28th Jun 2015
Rated 7 / 10 |
This track was clearly written by someone in a completely shitfaced state, at least that's what it sounds like. The weird, bendy riff does build into a kind of cool synergy with the simple melody and for a moment, it sounds kind of cool. Not much happens though, as its barely a minute long and kind of underdeveloped in the final stretch before it ends. Sounds just about as strange as its title, but I was entertained for a moment and that counts for something. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: melody suck Filename: melody_suck.xm |
Posted Sun 28th Jun 2015
Rated 2 / 10 |
Here I was, thinking the name of the song promised a crappy melody. Instead what I got was no melody at all. So... does that mean the artist thinks melody sucks and ain't having none of that stuff in his compositions? Who knows, but this sure is a repetitive track. A sort of hard-edged techno track, but fairly 'calm' compared to some of the crazier electronic tracks I've heard on this site. Pulsating bass, no real musical development except in the beat. The beat does build up, but in a very systematic "one chunk at a time" kind of manner that gets boring quickly when nothing else is going on. The nicest thing I can say is that the irregular snare drum part that pops up briefly a couple times is cool - everything else kinda sucks. Also: Beware of ear-molestation! Do NOT listen to this track on high volume with your headphones on. You will be sorry ;) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: minna_saapuu_kaupunkiin.xm Filename: minna_saapuu_kaupunkiin.xm |
Posted Sun 28th Jun 2015
Rated 6 / 10 |
An energetic, fairly busy techno/chip tune like track. I couldn't help but feel it was a bit cheesy as it frequently reminded me of all those unholy 90's dance and pop acts that dominated the airwaves in my small European country during the middle of that decade. I don't really miss that stuff - lets keep Dr. Bombay and all the others buried in the past, please :P That's really unfair to the artist here, though, as the track is well made for those who won't get horrible 90's flashbacks and cold sweats. Sometimes leads feel a bit harmonically off and I'm not sure if its intentinal or not, but the track is absolutely not without merits. Can't really bring myself to like it much myself though, sorry :( |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Tunnel Line 1-48x Filename: robric902.xm |
Posted Sun 28th Jun 2015
Rated 7 / 10 |
The track establishes rhythm and chord progression by slowly piling on new layers, then sticks to the same idea for the rest of the play time, save for a short break before a new lead kicks in later in the track. The rhythm section is mid paced but quite propulsive and it really does bring to mind a train line of some kind. I really like the simple bass line and the overall feel of the track. My only gripe aside from how it feels like it could have developed more (probably made to loop though?), is that the lead melodies could have used a bit of spice. Feel like I've heard this lead before. It's nice but very, very predictable. A good track overall. Goes in the playlist :) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Filename: |
Posted Sat 20th Jun 2015
Rated 8 / 10 |
A very good little tune. Well, its perhaps more a kind of atmosphere piece than a memorable tune, but since the author notes that it was for an unfinished computer game project, that makes perfect sense. Good video game music sometimes needs to step into the background a little and provide a fitting atmosphere and this track does that very, very well. I like how full it sounds. Its far from the usual, thin, tinny module sound and more like something that would play well on a stereo system. The bass plays a really nice groove while various subtle sounds play light melody or add coloration while dipping slowly in and out of the mix. I particularly like the part that comes in around the 0:50 mark. Somehow reminds me a bit of old Armored Core games or something else japanese. Very nice track with excellent, subtle harmonies! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: even Filename: robric904.mod |
Posted Wed 17th Jun 2015
Rated 7 / 10 |
Short but nice little loop in a fairly typical kind of demo style. Feels just memorable enough with a flavor of its own that it has a sort of "theme" like quality to it. I'd like it to be more fleshed out, but for what it is, I like it. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Commodore Trib Filename: |
Posted Fri 14th Nov 2014
Rated 8 / 10 |
Nice tune that moves along swiftly and in a catchy fashion. Good drums and bass. Not the most original melody ever, but it manages to add some character with the backing music. I guess what I am trying to say is that while it isn't anything special composition wise, I just like the vibe of the song due to the samples and how it all fits together. It is barely a minute long, which is a shame, but I like a lot. Love the Windows error sound :P |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Totem Pole Filename: |
Posted Fri 14th Nov 2014
Rated 6 / 10 |
Very repetitive backing music hurts this short track a bit in my opinion, but it still does have nice melodies and some nice details in the beat. The flutes are where it's at, since the backing does little to provide mild chord changes. It pretty much sounds the same in the end as in the beginning and middle, so I got tired of it pretty quick, but it does show that the composer knows how to do a good melody and some nice soundscapes. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Orbital Filename: |
Posted Fri 14th Nov 2014
Rated 7 / 10 |
I'm a bit split on this one. On one hand, it sounds nice and is very carefully composed and balanced, while on the other hand the ever steady beat and languid pace of the song makes it feel repetitive. The ending makes up for it, but it did start feeling like a drag to me in the middle. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: fat_lazy_bit_crazy.xm Filename: fat_lazy_bit_crazy.xm |
Posted Fri 14th Nov 2014
Rated 8 / 10 |
Eh, not bad. Actually pretty good, although I enjoyed the fast bits the most (it drags a bit early on in a mid paced segment) and thought the pulsating synth riffs and crunchy drums gave it some nice, gritty energy. Multilayered, energetic, crazy, fun. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Robbi Filename: robbi.mod |
Posted Fri 14th Nov 2014
Rated 7 / 10 |
Aww, a shame this was so short :( I really liked the melody and propulsive bassline. A simple, catchy track with an energetic bass and some cool voice samples. One of them made me think of Jill of the Jungle, but I'm not sure if that's it. Anyway, good track, but criminally short. Would download and listen to it if it was expanded into a full track. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: gayyyy (as in homosexual) Filename: |
Posted Fri 14th Nov 2014
Rated 7 / 10 |
Don't know what is up with the song title, but it is a pretty good tune (1:37) with a nice melody. It plays out like a pretty familiar style of chiptune melody, but with bass and drum style that reminds me of modern R&B and soul. I would have liked a longer song, but it is quite good and very well composed. Nice details in the background too with some shimmering, tingling ... ehh... sounds. Don't know how to put it, but it sounds good, ok? |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: please shoot in my mouth Filename: |
Posted Tue 27th May 2014
Rated 8 / 10 |
I have to respectfully disagree with the previous commenter. To me, the balance of bass and other intsruments sounds really nice and it wouldn't sound as ominous with less bass. Quite a good little track to me. A couple of the samples could have more depth to them, but I quite enjoy it. Good atmospheric, beat driven music that would fit right into some kind of sci-fi RPG. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: ~nN=00000=%&))~ Filename: chiptunism_-_not.mod |
Posted Fri 18th Apr 2014
Rated 2 / 10 |
I really dont want to be an asshole here, but I didnt get what this track was about at all. It is a very short and pretty damn annoying loop with a weird (steel guitar?!) sample in the background that sounds like a sick cat going miauw. The rest is a simple but hyperactive beat and some really annoying descending piano notes. I think the piano part could have been used for something far better though. At least it is pretty original :P |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Wild Abstraction Filename: jk_wildabstraction.mod |
Posted Fri 18th Apr 2014
Rated 9 / 10 |
This track is pretty damn energetic! It made me want to punch holes in walls and jump around like a psycho. It ends a little suddenly, but the stuttering beat is awesome, the synths are used to great effect and I just love the vibe of this crazy track! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Fm7 (tracker-friendly) Filename: |
Posted Mon 24th Mar 2014
Rated 8 / 10 |
Nice, this actually sounds pretty good to my ears. Lots of atmospheric details and well mixed samples. One of the samples sound a bit fuzzy and low quality, especially in the (recurring) part from around 2:00 to 2:30. That blemish aside, it is a very good soundtrack-ish track. It would be awesome as part of a videogame soundtrack. Maybe 6 minutes is a bit much, but this is some sort of trance I gues and is supposed to be repetitive in nature. Good job! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Metal Warriors Filename: real_metalwarriors2.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Mar 2014
Rated 2 / 10 |
Aside from a few nice changes in harmony buried under everything else, this song sounds pretty terrible. It is often badly out of tune, completely dissonant and borderline unlistenable. The C64 drums also sound bad together with more Amiga-ish samples. There's bits and pieces of this that I could isolate and call decent but collectively it is mostly very bad. It gets more listenable after the midpoint at least. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: TLW-THEME Filename: ingame13.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Mar 2014
Rated 5 / 10 |
A decent enough bit of heavy metal with synths. Theres a pretty ear cutting lead sample late in the song and the drums generally don't fit well with the other instruments. The ending is also very sudden (probably intended to loop). It sounds like someone's early attempt at writing tracker music and as such, its not bad at all. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: VEK_MUSIC05 Filename: vek_music05.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Mar 2014
Rated 3 / 10 |
Hmm... this is just a very short fragment of a Doom track, played with some pretty awful sounding midi guitars. At least the drums sound sort of cool, having a sort of heavy punch to them. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Quiet-Please Filename: quietplease.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Mar 2014
Rated 4 / 10 |
Ok this was pretty unpleasant, sounding not unlike having a wasp stuck in your ear canal. Some pretty bad lead samples playing melodies over a simple repetitive beat and an annoying british man telling you to quiet down. At least I get the sense this is a joke track and not some sort of magnum opus :P |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Four 7777 Filename: robric924.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Mar 2014
Rated 7 / 10 |
I really dig the backing music in this one as it reminds me a lot of the Lotus racing games. The lead melodies are also ok, but I feel they are a bit too simplistic. It is possibly very intentional as I get a very early 80s almost Jean Michel Jarre kind of vibe from the leads. Really just a typical Amiga style track, but that type of video game music usually took inspiration straight from pop/electronica. I wish the backing track also changed a bit more, but there is a kind of hypnotic quality to it that I like. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: You And Me Together Filename: robric256.xm |
Posted Sat 16th Feb 2013
Rated 8 / 10 |
This has a very 'Depeche Mode' vibe to it! I think it is a bit repetitive, but I still like it a lot. The track sounds very good and it has some basic, but very tasteful use of bass and percussion. A pretty solid track that would work really well in some sort of point and click adventure - or at least thats what I think. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: It was November... Filename: 80472-november.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Sep 2012
Rated 6 / 10 |
Well composed but also somewhat cliched, as it follows genre conventions to a tee. I also think it would be nice if it sounded beefier as it comes off as a bit more limp than heavy at times. Nice melodies though, and I like that it is very action packed. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: distant thunder Filename: gg_thund.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Sep 2012
Rated 3 / 10 |
This track comes off as some sort of medley of one good song and several outright terrible ones. The good bit comes around the 3 minute mark, but lasts barely as much as 2 minutes before it goes back to being schizofrenic and unbearable. I can appreciate the attempt to do something different, and there are imaginable situations when one could conceivably enjoy this... but I dont smoke weed, so this one goes in the bin. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Y Sera Realidad Intrinseca Filename: |
Posted Mon 24th Sep 2012
Rated 7 / 10 |
This one is sort of repetitive for a 5 minute track, but I did find it interesting. It basically has no percussion. It consists of a superficially repetitive synth melody that changes its chords and melody slightly back and forth, making for an atmospheric track that would work well as some sort of background melody for a game. If I was making a japanese-style sci-fi game with some menus where you do research or change your gear or something, this would be a perfect fit. If that makes sense :P |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: When rastaman scores Filename: lemonade-when_rastaman_scores.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Sep 2012
Rated 6 / 10 |
I am confused by the title! This song is basically a chill, somber little tune that is somewhat repetitive. I do like it, but the bleep sound gets a bit annoying. The changes that come around the 2 minute mark also help make it a bit stronger. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Cornered!! Filename: cornered!.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Sep 2012
Rated 8 / 10 |
During the first few second I couldn't help but think "Mortaal combaaaatt!!", but then it quickly turned into a anime-game sort of melody, that heavily reminds me of the soundtrack for Atelier Iris 2. It is a very good song from a composition standpoint, but I do wish the piano would be lower in the mix. It tends to overpower the bass and the drums and I think it would sound vastly better with just a few adjustments. Solid track none the less! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Necromancer's_Castle Filename: necromancers_castle.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Sep 2012
Rated 7 / 10 |
This one didn't really blow me away, but it still quite well made. The lead melodies came of as a bit shrill and I found the melody to be dramatic, but mostly just allright. The percussion added a lot to the track, though, and it is detailed enough to be an interesting listen. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: RNDD_Keygen#1.0 Filename: rndd_keygen_1.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Sep 2012
Rated 9 / 10 |
Just as I had pressed play on this track, I looked out my window and saw a huge swarm of black birds flying around large, wind-blown trees under the heavy, grey skies. It seemed a very appropriate image for this song, with its chirping synths playing chaotic, swirling melodies and somewhat ominous atmosphere provided by deeper synths in the background. I like it a lot! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: The_Dim_Dungeon_2 Filename: the_dim_dungeon_2.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Sep 2012
Rated 8 / 10 |
Like the first "The Dim Dungeon" track, it has a very driving beat, while being very melodic. This new track shares some other stylistic traits with the old one as well, but this one feels significantly more upbeat and perhaps a bit messy. Actually, not in a bad way, its just very progressive and keeps introducing new stuff constantly. I can see myself liking this one a lot when I've heard it several times more. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: 4_RNDD! Filename: 4_rndd!.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Sep 2012
Rated 8 / 10 |
This one has some very nice melodies. Panning is also used to good effect and the song is layered and detailed enough to be interesting despite being repetitive in some ways. It sounds good, despite simple, very old-school samples. Very good! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: The_Dim_Dungeon Filename: the_dim_dungeon.xm |
Posted Sat 11th Aug 2012
Rated 9 / 10 |
Freakin' awesome! This little tune really hits me hard. The beat, the dark synths, the melody... It communicates a sort of melancholy but with a lot of forward motion and drive. If only it was a bit longer and felt more like a complete song it would be a 10/10 for me. This one goes straight into my favorites folder! (It seemed to glitch in the on-site XM player, so do yourself a favor and download it!) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: skyscraper Filename: 80472-sky.xm |
Posted Fri 3rd Aug 2012
Rated 7 / 10 |
I could be a bigger fan of some of the melodies in the beginning half of the song, but it does work well most of the time. There's a couple moments here and there where it just sounds... off, somehow. That being said, I dig the drums and its nice to hear a song like this on the ModArchive. It is way too rare around here that a song sounds almost dirty, if you ask me :P Also, the quiet middle segment was ok, but the awesome part was the way the song picked up again after that. Some kinks and cracks in the surfrace of this one, but I do find it entertaining. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: 3-methylmorphine Filename: jk_methylmorphine.xm |
Posted Fri 3rd Aug 2012
Rated 8 / 10 |
I really dig this track! All layers sound good and I like how the track is fairly understated but comes off as very melodic. The beat is somewhat repetetive but it has some nice details and fits the song well. The bass in particular has a nice groove to it and I really enjoy the segment that begins around the 2:30 mark. This one goes into the folder of stuff I will listen to again. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Twisted Realities Filename: |
Posted Mon 14th May 2012
Rated 9 / 10 |
This tune seems like a typical cheery chiptune at first, but it has some pretty neat chord progressions that make it sound somewhat dark. I just love how the song develops over time. It really strikes me as a very solid piece, despite its very simple theme. Production wise it sounds great on my speakers and I wouldn't change a hair! This one will go into my favorites folder :) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Chasing The Swing Filename: jk_chasingtheswing.xm |
Posted Mon 14th May 2012
Rated 8 / 10 |
This track is just barrels of fun! Great drums, great basslines, fun melodic leads and a very jazzy vibe. Sounds like it belongs in some sort of cartoony noir game or something. The only thing that I don't like is how it ends very abruptly. Well worth a listen. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: x-termin8 Filename: |
Posted Sun 13th May 2012
Rated 6 / 10 |
I had mixed feelings about this one when I gave it a listen. It starts with a really cool beat, with a dangerous vibe, making me feel like something is going to happen! That sh*t is going down, any moment now! ... then it reaches a rather limp chorus melody that I have to admit I didn't really like, although some of the layers were cool. I love the segment that opens and closes the track (it sounds a lot like something straight out of good ol' System Shock), but the mid section sort of kills the momentum for me. |
Title: eclipse
Filename: astro_boy_-_eclipse.mod
Rated 9 / 10
It was written in 1994 by Astro Boy as far as I can tell and it is a ton of fun to listen to. Nostalgia is a powerful thing, but I still think this track has some real qualities. Great melody, good sounding samples and very effective, entertaining developments that keep the pace high and my attention focused on the music.
Can't believe this track isn't more well known! I always assumed it was one of those famous tracks, but apparently not. For what it's worth, I think it is an essential download for fans of this sort of music.