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christofori's Profile


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  • i Modules in Archive: 18
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  • i Total Downloads: 72899
  • i Stats Updated: 2024-10-22 05:03:23
  • information icon Modarchive ID: 69248

christofori was spotlit on:

  • 3rd May 2012
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Humble Beginnings
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Christofori has been tracking off and on since his first tracked song back in 1995 (which is: ThunderHawk Command!), and (believe it or not) continues to write ALL of his compositions using ModPlug Tracker (actually: OpenMPT). Tracking is a uniquely creative method of composing music; likely it is this 'uniqueness' about it all that keeps christo enthralled..! :)

Of course if he had happened to find a workstation or sampler instead of a tracker back then, who's to say he wouldn't be using them instead?

So, there it was. Christofori had discovered "the tracker" and had become enthralled with the concepts and theory involved within. He had always dreamed of being able to manipulate SOUND into instruments, and then weave those instruments together into music. Over time, his skills (and, samples... more on that in a moment, though) continued to improve and develop; pretty much up until the point of distraction [aka: 'the band'].

The "Why" regarding the limited selection of material available on TMA
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So then... a bit more detail for those who might want it. The tracks posted here are all of Christo's earliest works, largely added prior to (and including) 2004. Christofori has released more tunes (though not many -- YET...) but for mostly technical reasons, they are not posted on this site. The main factors at play here would be file size -- as Chris continued developing his new music, he also got bigger and better sounding samples -- which increase the file size of the track. There came a point some time back when Chris realized that he wouldn't be able to post the "REAL" versions of his choons here on TMA (at the time, the maximum file size allowed was 5MB -- currently it is 20MB). So, at times Chris will still provide a version that DOES fit TMA's uploading guidelines, though the samples have likely all been downsampled to save space. This lets anyone and everyone go in and look at the track data, which allows them to see (and/or learn) how something was done -- and that "open-source" (or I might say "Open Score!") choon can be a guide or example to novice trackers perhaps. Either way, though, I can promise assuridly that most (if not all) of my upcomming releases will NOT be posted here for these reasons. Hint: the song I'm currently writing is 166MB and only a smidge over 3 minutes in length right now..! Think: "ULTRA-quality" samples, hmm?!

Next, in case it's overlooked -- this is the official site: http://www.christofori.net

Now then, the tracks listed here at TMA are all going to be mostly SynthPop and Demo songs, with a few Funk/Groove tunes thrown into the mix. Please PLEASE always check the official web site (linked above) for newest information/music/whatever from Chris, as it is the place he keeps updated most frequently. So much so, in fact, that Chris might not log into any of the 'scene' sites for months on end! Moreover, the songs on the official site are all guaranteed to be the authentic choon (and not a downsampled variation created only to become small enough to fit here, for example.)

If you like these tunes, or would otherwise like to make comments about them, please be sure to sign the guestbook on the official site. Right now I don't have a public e-mail address in use... I deleted my old ones some time back because of the 1000 spams I got EACH day.. :(

Brief Update on Christo
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aka: Where the hell have you been (in a nutshell!???)

Since he was last seen to be active at TMA on a regular basis, several things have happened which have changed Chris' life in many ways. Upon receiving his degree and graduating Uni in 2002, Chris moved home and found an IT job. He continued to see a couple of his best friends from Uni every month or so; and it wasn't long before they decided to join together as a band. "The band" (of which there are no gigs, albums, singles, anything -- except for somewhere near 60 hours of reference data AND heaps of video footage of them playing) seemingly lasted the next several years; but Christo's involvement in the group came to an end near the end of Summer in 2010, when Chris left the group due to (primarilly) personal reasons. Now, Chris is on a somewhat extended hiatus from the career, and has been using the time songwriting, and also volunteering his talents for many projects for his church or one of their ministries -- much like it was in the beginning.

One last additional piece of trivia! You may or may not have noticed, but some of my tracks have "fb-" in front of the title -- this refers to the (now inactive) tracking group called Funky Brains. Their members consisted of: Crimson King [ckayed], Cryssalid, D Fast, Fermus, Gargoyle and Infey. Nothing has been released from FB in some time... and the group is likely defunct presently. Still, it's worth a look -- FB had a nack for releasing some roxin' funk choons!

Some recommended songs
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aka: The neat/cool/good (etc) songs...!

The Drunken Monkey
Shades of Futility
Cue Ball
Pandora's Box (FB mix)
The Modula Series (any)
Voltronic Revolution
Technicolor Combustion

Also highly recommended and available from the official site:
Pandora's Box (2012) - newest SONG release
"O Come" 2010

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From: christofori
02:11 on 17th January 2011


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