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sacio's Profile


  • i No comments
  • i No reviews
  • i 9052 profile views since 4th Nov 2008
  • i Last seen: 8th Dec 2014

Artist Statistics

  • i Modules in Archive: 89
  • i Overall Member Rating: 8 (from 5 comments).
  • i Overall Reviewer Rating: 0 (from 0 reviews).
  • i Total Downloads: 56683
  • i Stats Updated: 2024-10-22 05:07:49
  • information icon Modarchive ID: 81978
Profile Picture


Hey, thanks for visiting my profile here on the mod archive. I've only used trackers (MilkyTracker) since 2008, but I've used more "modern" DAWs like Cubase, FL and ProTools some years. Please feel free to comment and rate my modules!

NB: I've noticed some glitches when playing my modules with the java-player. If you have time, and want to listen to my modules as the should be played, please download them and play them on a stand-alone player.

Peace, love and chipmusic!

sacio's messages

Last 10 messages:
From: Dark Rat
23:22 on 26th March 2011
Dark Rat

Great work here :D

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