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Musical_RC's Profile


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Currently working on the "XM Fighters" music mod for fan-shmup Xeno Fighters R, as well as beta-testing for the main game itself!

Somewhat sleepless mostly-retro gamer who writes on the side, and also likes music and the occasional sketch.

Musical_RC's messages

Last 10 messages:
From: Musical_RC To: Musical_RC
12:42 on 5th June 2022

Musical_RC: x14 haista poks release date confirmed.

Re: Looking for missing info on the following tracks: Dune/Orange - Control e (competition name, date of release) Dune/Orange - Makako (date of release) Dune - Frequent (date of release) Dune/Orange - x14 haista poks (date of release) Hunz/FM, Analogue - On Me (year of release) Necros - Spatial Distortion (date of release)

From: Musical_RC
09:49 on 1st April 2022

Looking for missing info on the following tracks:
Dune/Orange - Control e (competition name, date of release)
Dune/Orange - Makako (date of release)
Dune - Frequent (date of release)
Dune/Orange - x14 haista poks (date of release)
Hunz/FM, Analogue - On Me (year of release)
Necros - Spatial Distortion (date of release)

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