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Orchestral Pub Concerto (j-61m_-_orchestral_pub_concerto.s3m)

Info Summary

  • j-61m_-_orchestral_pub_concerto.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 192.68KB in size and has been downloaded 508 times since Mon 11th Aug 2014 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 175921
  • Downloads: 508
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 9318d1c29a7df543de553d9323a22388
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 8
  • Uncompressed Size: 192.68KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License

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Info Internal Texts *

acc.au (cajun accordeo

Edit 25.6. cos 4got notecut
This song was codenamed
Cheesy Cheese.
This didn't get saved.
Also it has some stereo.


Tmp: 160; Spd: 6; Len: 4:12
by j-61m on 23~25.06.2014

Originally started as .MOD,
but the tuning sys sux so I
convd it 2 .S3M, where I C
the exact smprate.

Don't expect any bassdrop!
Tis notha retro, cos of the
recycled smp from notha
MODs, making it difficult
2 make sth modern-snding.

I finished this on my name-
day (24.6.). In CZ it's 2nd
b-day, U get presents from
other people. That's 1
annoying present buying per
yr more 4 me.

Unfortly I can't have more
than 99 lines per 27 char,
I've 2 shorten words 2 fit
the char&line limit.

Tis 1 of few songs I compd
in 2 d instd of doing sth
more productive like tiding
my new big tbl, esp 4 cat,
which likes 2 lay itself on
my kbd, so stms sth gets
fucked up as the keys get
pressed. Rcntly I tmprily
solved it by putting a box
on the tbl. I might put a
laser pointer in the near,
and use it 2 make the cat
sod off if I want some spc.

Anyway, as U read thru this
U probably noticed some
interesting shorts 2 some
words U didn't know. I'm
trying 2B creative abt this
as the spc is ltd.

UR so bored if U read this,
go&chk my wonderful blog _
getmania.blogspot.com / .cz
or U can e-mail me love or
h8 letter 2 this address:
"#" = "_" & "*" = ".", tis
cos of spambots.

The Shakespearean "tis" is
quite char-eff rplcment 4
"this is", "this was" and
"this has". Save up 2 5 w/
this per each such case.

If you like this "music" so
much, U can give some fill
2 Getmanian BTC treasury:
wKbT6KK (don't cp it wrong)
as I don't have a payment
card yet, nor a current
account, only savings. I'm
only 16 atm and concerning
software, it's just way
easier for me to pir8 it.
What are you doing wrong,
all the big corporations?

I think I've been writing
complete crap 4 past 10 min
so I can B now glad I've
finally reached the last
free row. CU in next song!

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
