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B0y Meet$ Girl (boymgirl.xm)

Info Summary

  • boymgirl.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 466.30KB in size and has been downloaded 1833 times since Sun 18th Apr 2004 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 38375
  • Downloads: 1833
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 0c0fb82f036184f5856c98d7dd2fc0f3
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 26
  • Uncompressed Size: 466.30KB
  • Genre: Electronic - Ambient

License License

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comments Artist's Comments

artist This was my first attempt at recording live via keyboard input in real time and it ended up being quite nice. However, the beats are a bit on the simple side, but if you like the groove, they probably won't bother you much!

I love comments, please if you have any, send them to john.marwin@gmail.com - John Marwin

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Info Internal Texts *

 J/M/T/M Pre$ent$:

   "Boy Meet$ Girl"

FILE INF0 * * *

$tyle: Electr0nica
Length: 3:43
Date: 2004.03.21

$0mewhere 0ut there
i$ a b0y wh0 i$ very
l0nely, in fact $0
l0nely that he walk$
t0 the 0cean and
p0nder$ $uicide....
A$ he'$ $tanding at
cliff 0f which he'$
planning t0 jump fr0m
he feel$ the  $alty
$pray 0f the $ea in
hi$ hair & 0n hi$ face
and he decide$ t0
make the jump after
all, $uddenly a v0ice
behind him $ay$:
"d0n't d0 it, it w0uld
be $uch a wa$te"
He turn$ ar0und t0
find a girl l00king at
him, he a$k$ her
"what d0 y0u kn0w
ab0ut my pr0blem$?!"
The girl replie$ with
a $mile 0n her face:
"I wa$ $tanding here
r0ugly a year ag0 and
thinking the $ame a$
y0u are thinking right
n0w, then a v0ice t0ld
me that a b0y w0uld
c0me here 0ne year
later and $ave me
fr0m my$elf"
The b0y l00k$ at the
girl and $he giggle$
He a$k$ why and $he
ju$t giggle$ m0re and
run$ away, he f0ll0w$
her and the re$t...
well y0u figure it 0ut
, the event$ are in
the $0ng after all...


if y0u have any kind
0f c0mment$ mail me at
$quare with env.
$quare with env.
$quare with env.
N0i$e $nare =)
Ju$t an0ther break
$aw with env.
beat !
U$ed f0r click $nd
U$ed f0r ba$$ $nd

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
