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Basehead's Messages

Last 50 Messages on Basehead's profile

From: Beyond
22:16 on 11th April 2013

Hey you!
Is it Ok if I have your songs Forever and Wide awake in an album I call Tracked music vol.1 which I'll release for free on my website calleedlund.se? In a .txt file I'll include the samp/message text but exclude any e-mail etc -

I'll release mp3s (and modules)to make some good tracked music to be easily available to everyone

From: tristanseifert
17:04 on 27th June 2011

Would you mind if I used your 'the zen garden' module in an iOS video game I am working on? Full credits on the credits screen, of course.

From: EvilMuffin
15:35 on 22nd April 2009

Hey, Basehead, do you mind if I use your module erosion for a videogame called AmplituDS?

From: m0d
13:53 on 21st April 2009

Basehead ftw :)