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Siren's Messages

Last 50 Messages on Siren's profile

From: Beyond
21:15 on 19th April 2012

Siren has also written the music for Jazz Jackrabbit 2 which I think is a work worthy of more attention here on modarchive. Just search jazz_jackrabbit_2 and they will show up.

The songs dark groove and Hippie heaven I'm not sure who the author is but the others should be Siren. (aka Alexander Brandon)

From: Audiokiller
05:27 on 23rd February 2012

WOW thank god for the internet!, its been a long time that since i hear your music and I always try to find a way to contact you, just to say that i really love your music, it brings me a special mood when i listen to it. Thank you =), and keep doing this wonderfull compositions.