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Mod Archive XML API Usage.


 https://api.modarchive.org/xml-tools.php?key=<auth key>&[request=...see below for syntax]

Input variables explained:

The rest of this document will refer to some variables encapsulated in < >. You must substitute these with input data while omitting the < > brackets.

For instance:
  • < query >
    • User input. Usually a file name, letter, search pattern etc...
  • < file format >
    • A format of module, usually XM, IT, S3M, MOD etc... A full list of supported formats can be found in the filter list on the search page.
  • < page number >
    • Each set of results returned by the tool that supports pagination will return the total number of pages, you can use this total to determine which page numbers are available. The number of items per page is set in stone on the server side. You cannot modify this.