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Messages - Void32

Pages: [1]
The Lobby / What is ChipTune?
« on: February 10, 2024, 23:45:00 »
What is Chiptune?
I would like to know what the common opinion is.
Please don't be pissed if someone doesn't agree with you about it, at the end of the day this all doesn't matter too much.

I am not a MT user but came from AHX which has similar to Deflemask where you can reuse columns across the patterns, and can see where you may be going wrong.

Each pattern is a set of columns that are fixed together. You cannot splice or change the individual columns to reuse columns between patterns, so you have to copy the entire pattern to a new one and make your new melody there
oh I get it, thanks for explaining that for me! :)

Edit: answered

I have been using Trackers for about a year now on Delfemask, but I am very new to MilkyTracker and the .xm format.
I am looking for a way to change my melody in the next sequence but not the other parts.
Anything helps, thank you for reading this far : )

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