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Messages - Saga Musix

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Help me find that... / Re: \ = who's artist name?
« on: March 24, 2021, 19:32:42 »
Also, the fact that those OHC modules are rarely credited is due to OHC submissions typically being anonymous and the names are only revealed after everyone has voted.

Oh, looks like compos are still happening. Maybe I return one day.
21:00 CEST #modulez on EsperNet, you are very much welcome. :) A few people have made their return lately.
There's also typically a compo happening a few hours laters the same day (in the middle of the night for EU people) in #mod_shrine which is no longer limited to tracker formats only.

Sampling / Re: Question about samples copyright
« on: March 22, 2021, 20:13:09 »
There should be an additional M1.DLL which may end up in a different folder though. Normally the installer should ask you where to put it, and will probably default to something like C:\Program Files\VST Plugins\ or similar. Just search your hard drive for it.

Sampling / Re: Question about samples copyright
« on: March 22, 2021, 19:36:44 »
Hey Saga Musix; I just purchased the Korg M1 VST; should make that particular gray area less gray. But I was wondering, since I'm useless with a note-based approach towards music (it's mostly by ear), if you could help me with a description or pictures of the actual presets, notes/keys and octaves you used when you recreated those samples, to help me also create them myself?
In the ZIP file provided in my first reply, check out the MPTM file which I used to create the samples. In the end, this recreation is also just "by ear", dissecting the sample and figuring out which notes are used (it greatly helps being able to identify intervals by ear but I imagine that can take a while to learn if you are not used to it). Only the third sample is a bit complicated and I cannot tell for sure if my appraoch - having the tail of an A#4 overlapping with the D#5) really accurantely represents the original source, but I think it's close enough.
The preset in question is "Piano 16'" which just about every dance act of the 90s used for their piano lines, hence it's easily recognizable once you are familiar with the M1 presets. No further editing to the preset was done.

Also, I understand you are involved (or sole author?) with the OpenMPT project? Is there any chance of getting the new $99 VST working with it? I understand the old, discontinued $49 VST worked with it. As of now I simply record the sounds I want from it through the system sounds with Audacity, which is a bit tedious, but it works. I'm not about to cash out several hundred dollars more for a full DAW, I already have the tools I require (and OpenMPT is a big part of it, so thanks for that!) for making my type of music through other softwares, but as of now none that can hook into the new VST directly.
The Korg Shop isn't explicit about this, does the latest version of the plugin not support VST2 anymore, or what exactly is the issue? Many VST3 plugins can still be loaded into a VST2 host but not all of them, so it's worth giving that a try if the plugin only comes with a .vst3 file and not a .dll file.
VST3 support is currently not planned; it would be a huge undertaking and the VST3 SDK's license (GPL) is not compatible with OpenMPT (so we'd have to go with the "proprietary license", and I'm not sure what that would imply for OpenMPT).
And I'm not the only person working on OpenMPT, but we are a small team indeed. ;)

Help me find that... / Re: \ = who's artist name?
« on: March 22, 2021, 18:09:21 »
or even Demozoo about the compo entries....
One-hour compos are informal and happen infrequently on IRC. They don't really belong on Demozoo. Most songs coming out of OHCs are unfinished.

(and apparently everything after 2014) weren't archived.
Everything after that is on - since all #mod_shrine / #modulez compos have been running on that site.

Help me find that... / Re: where did this melody come from?
« on: March 20, 2021, 15:54:43 »
That would be Mauro Picotto - Komodo but of course it's quite possible that there are a few module remixes of it.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: Searchings with space to include "_"
« on: March 17, 2021, 18:53:19 »
Note that you currently can simply search for "monkey*island", which would also find e.g. "monkey-island".

Project / Coder's Corner / Re: BRO-Tracker: Popcorn
« on: March 15, 2021, 22:51:50 »
Awesome! ;D

The two files have now been merged. I also deleted your comment as it was no longer applicable to the new file.

I think you're right. I tend to use MilkyTracker pretty often, so I'll try to jump into the source, maybe make a primitive player.

Note that the MilkyTracker source isn't necessarily any easier than OpenMPT's, because it's also a multi-format player, and in particular because it uses a lot of magic numbers everywhere. For example you will find that the internal IDs for all pattern commands are hardcoded integers rather than having descriptive names like you can find them in OpenMPT (something like CMD_VOLUME) and other players.

I did have one question before that. The ft2 player used Windows Multimedia to actually play the audio once it was decoded and put into the buffer, and it seems that OpenMPT does not. Is there a preferred audio driver (if that's the right word for it) for making players? I wouldn't want to use one and find out it's depreciated.

Both WinMM and DirectSound are just emulation layers on top of WASAPI since Windows Vista. Modern Windows audio code should use WASAPI. It's somewhat more complex than WinMM so if you don't want to fiddle with the details, you can resort to using something like PortAudio or RtAudio as an API abstraction. That way the same audio code would also work on macOS, Linux and some other platforms.

Project / Coder's Corner / Re: BRO-Tracker: Popcorn
« on: March 14, 2021, 14:42:06 »
Nice tracker! I notice that it's not in the ModLand tracker collection. Did you ever release it? Would you like to add it to the ModLand collection to preserve it?

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