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Chrome WebASM online player

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In Chrome the online mod player is not playing music anymore. In Firefox it does.

Chrome DEV console output:

--- Quote ---libopenmpt.php:1 wasm streaming compile failed: CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(): Wasm code generation disallowed by embedder
(anonymous) @ libopenmpt.php:1
libopenmpt.php:1 falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation
(anonymous) @ libopenmpt.php:1
libopenmpt.php:1 failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: CompileError: WebAssembly Instantiation: Wasm code generation disallowed by embedder
(anonymous) @ libopenmpt.php:1
libopenmpt.php:1 CompileError: WebAssembly Instantiation: Wasm code generation disallowed by embedder
libopenmpt.php:1 CompileError: WebAssembly Instantiation: Wasm code generation disallowed by embedder
abort @ libopenmpt.php:1
index.php?request=view_player&query=184394:1 Uncaught (in promise) abort({}). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.
--- End quote ---

Looks like the new libopenmpt webasm player is causing this problem.

Thanks for all your work,

As a Chrome user, I can confirm that this issue also prevents the online player from working.


Saga Musix:
I'll look into it, probably during the weekend.

I did some tests on my own to find out how good the new wasm is compared to normal js libopenmpt.

I was using chiptune2 example with

Had to add MIME type for wasm else the lib falls back to ArrayBuffer which forces the browser to load the lib a second time.

With many tabs open i could see some difference in Chrome task manager.

Playing "Amegas":
CPU: Wasm 1.6%-4.7% vs. JS 4.7%-9.4%
Mem: Wasm 90MB vs. JS 75MB

Playing "and this is UltrSound" using latest features
CPU: Wasm 15%-20% vs. JS 29%-35%
Mem: Wasm 130MB vs. JS 92MB

Just rough values not spend much time in depth.

Saga Musix:
Alright, Chromium-based browsers should now be able to play modules again as well.


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