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Messages - barryvan

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 [11] 12 13
The Lobby / Re: Hello everyone, new to this stuff.
« on: July 21, 2008, 14:47:52 »
Hiya RebelX - welcome to TMA!

Tracking / Re: VSTi basics
« on: July 21, 2008, 14:46:13 »
Most VST(i)s have completely different interfaces from each other, so it's hard to give a tutorial to using them. However, I generally find that the best way to start getting sounds out of them is to play with the presets, and spend a little while twiddling various knobs to see what effect they have. Try starting with simple VST(i)s - the ones at tweakbench are nice and simple, and have a consistent interface. They're not the most powerful, and don't always produce the best sounds, but they're still very solid little instruments and effects.

Are there any specific plugs you're having problems with?

The Lobby / Re: This is Vorpal - Casual Tracker
« on: June 10, 2008, 18:19:03 »
Hiya Vorpal - welcome to TMA! :D Sounds like you know what you're up to with tracking - it's good that you've settled on a tracker (even if it's not the one I use ;)).  :P

Website News Archive / Re: Round 4 of Barryvan Music Compo
« on: June 05, 2008, 07:26:16 »
Thanks for the ad, m0d! Much appreciated.

I have actually been thinking about renaming the compo, but I can't come up with anything that sounds any good. I am open to any and all suggestions. :)

You're free to use mine, too. You can get 'em all over the shop - Trax In Space, Modplug Central, my website. (TiS and Modplug are probably best.)

Feel free to have a look through them. I'm happy to convert them into whatever format you want - MP3, OGG, WMA, AAC...

Software Showcase / Re: NitroTracker for Nintendo DS
« on: May 25, 2008, 08:41:33 »
I had a play with it on a friend's DS. It's OK - good for roughing out ideas. I found the interface somewhat clunky and unintuitive in places (I couldn't figure out how to load sample, for instance, only record one using the mic). If you want to sketch out track ideas, or work on simple tracks on the go, it's ok.

Yes, you aren't likely to find many artists willing to give up all rights to their song, and to not receive any credit.

The Lobby / Re: XM vs IT
« on: May 20, 2008, 11:40:08 »
OpenMPT has certainly... "extended" the IT format a lot. I use OpenMPT exclusively now. Of course, all of its extensions mean that it's essentially a new file-format, but still, it's got its roots in IT. :)

Tracking / Re: How do you choose samples for your song?
« on: May 10, 2008, 03:07:03 »
VSTs are good, but it's a lot easier to find high-quality samples than high-quality VSTis.

I recommend the synths and samplers from Native Instruments, esp. Kontakt and Massive.

Tracking / Re: modern tracking methods
« on: April 28, 2008, 16:47:47 »
I'm also an OpenMPT devotee. But I must admit that I don't put my stuff up here, mainly because I use VSTis almost exclusively, particularly Kontakt. The fact of the matter is that nowadays, you can produce production-quality music using trackers, sequencers, and whatever else you like - in terms of output, they're all much of a muchness. (Not that I produce production-quality music, but anyway...) You might have to work a bit harder to get the tracker to work the way you want it to, particularly at first, but the more you work with it, the quicker and easier it'll become.

To my mind, it's better to use a really solid, free system (like OpenMPT), and spend your money on plugs and hardware.

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