Music Production > Sampling

WaveWorld 1.3GB of samples for free

<< < (3/5) > >>

Saga Musix:
"Seeders 0(10)" means that there are 10 active seeders but you haven't connected to any of them. Actually we have very fast seeds, so there should be no problem unless your client is somehow misconfigured.

This torrent doesn't contain any illegal content, right?  And what are licensing terms of the samples in the torrent.

Saga Musix:
Not everything that has "torrent" printed on it is illegal, and that is also true for our torrents. I personally can't tell you much about the licensing terms, but most samples should be public domain stuff, many of them have been sampled from common synths by (now) unknown people. If you make a module using WaveWorld samples, it would of course be very nice to mention TMA WaveWorld in the module comments.

Okay, I was just wondering.  I know that not all torrents contain copyrighted stuff, but whenever someone mentions "torrent," you can't help but think they may be doing something slightly less than legal.

Thanks for the help though.

Thank you for all of these samples. This will help me greatly, as my job is I compose music for video games, and I don't like the samples I have right now.

I had this sample base before, but that was a different computer, and I had just signed up and was used to forums having quick reply boxes, and therefore didn't know how to post. I DID manage to post one thing, though, back then, but that's not the point, I have sidetracked. (I also haven't logged in since then)


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