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Saga Musix:
i love the new comment system, but i think you've already figured that out, m0d ;)
it's very cool to see what others think about modules (e.g. your modules) and also to compare your opinion to theirs.

Thanks for the feedback m0d,

I hadn't heard of plopbox, thanks for pointing it out.. Looks interesting :) I was thinking of using the fmod library ( and the java fmod wrapper ( for actually playing the mods.

This does limit it to a standalone application instead of an applet though, but I won't worry about the applet thing right now.. Perhaps when I'm feeling like serious challenge I'll look into that.. :D

Also, regarding licensing of the app, I'll probably be publishing it under GPL or LGPL..

Regarding the comments :

That makes sense and i'm happy to work it that way round - to open a simple browser window that could point to TMA, have the user login and take them to a comment/rate spot on TMA itself? That way you get to control what that part of it will look like.

Viewing comments, top 10 lists, etc :

I could handle that in the same way as the comments, so that it opens up in a mini browser window where you can show the ads along the top? (clicks on those ads would open up in a normal browser window)


I'll see when I can get an app together then I'll post again to get some integration with TMA going.  I desperately need to build something to organise my mod collection though.. i hate losing songs i really enjoyed!

If you want to look into implementing the XML then you can customize the lists yourself, the sponsor stuff is also in the XML. At the moment i havent finished it but you are welcome to look at the current functionality is has. XML parsing your end should be relativly simple as it sounds like you know what you are doing with Java.

Imagine, you'd be wired into a customizable datafeed. If you want to see, then the best way to get in touch is on IRC via our own portal (or your own client) where i can be reached directly, however i wouldn't count on it much tonight as I have a terrible headache.

Saga Musix:

--- Quote from: "Cmdr_Dats" ---I hadn't heard of plopbox, thanks for pointing it out.. Looks interesting :) I was thinking of using the fmod library ( and the java fmod wrapper ( for actually playing the mods.
--- End quote ---

To be honest, I wouldn't recommend FMOD for a mod player software. Of course, it's a great lib, but it isn't as compatible as f.e. BASS (which has a better modplug support):...

That may be because ModPlug does not stick to standards! So, anyway, what do you propose, Saga (Jojo)?


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