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Pages: [1]
MilkyTracker Feature Requests / 4 questions
« on: May 27, 2008, 06:26:52 »
I (try to) produce oldschool Jungle music, and am pretty new to Milkytracker. This is also my first post.

I have four questions:

1. How do you create a pure sine wave sample? No matter how curved i draw it out, it still ends up buzzing a little. Is there a preset?

2. Is there a way of generating or imitating glissando between notes?

3. How do you extend the length of samples (e.g. if we were to sample an acoustic bass line)?

4. Can you increase the tempo without raising the pitch? or perhaps time it with the bpm?

If these are real novice questions, i apologize.

Pages: [1]