Music Production > Sampling

The Best XRNI Renoise Instruments ?



   I would like to use different .XRNI files on Renoise v1.91. I am looking for the best .XRNI Renoise Instruments files on PC, any ideas ? Furthermore, I need "real" instruments: Piano, Synth, Orchestral, Ensemble, Voices, Orchit, Violin...

Today, I use Absynth v4 with Renoise and it works good :-) I compose musics :

1°) New Age, Orchestral, Medieval, Romantic, Movies...
2°) Techno, House, Acid, Trance, HardTrance, HardCore...

Please help me to find my favourites .XRNI Renoise Instruments for Renoise !

Thanks & Greetings,


Hiya ViZiON.

To tell you the truth, no tracker instrument is every going to be wonderful. If you really want good orchestral and piano samples, you're going to need to invest in a virtual instrument - probably a sampler like Kontakt. :)

The best, most realistic sounds will come from multisampling and extensive (and tasteful) use of pattern effect commands.

Listen to Venetian Snares' "Rossz Csillag Alatt Született" for some inspiration.

I know there's some 4GB of orchestral samples available online somewhere. I don't remember the thread, but I think it's stickied on ''.


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