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Messages - usrfriendly

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That's what I get for writing it at 3 AM, as I have to stumble through it.  :-[

So, should midi input work with the Alsa driver?

Bug Report Archive / Bug: Jack and Milkytracker not working correctly
« on: February 09, 2011, 07:40:41 »
I'm using Milkytracker 0.90.85, on Arch Linux with Deltafire's PKGBUILD, modified to add --with-jack, and using JACK 0.118.0.  Everything I post is done with Jack running in the background, with a working setup for MilkyTracker and my keyboard doing it's midi in, and output through my laptop's speakers.

The issue I have is when I start Milkytracker with Jack as the default sound driver, I get the following output:

Code: [Select]
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA: Failed to open device 'default' (Device or resource busy)
JACK: Mixer frequency: 48000
JACK: Latency = 1024 frames
cannot lock down memory for RT thread (Cannot allocate memory)
[arin@eee ~]$ milkytracker
JACK: Mixer frequency: 48000
JACK: Latency = 1024 frames

RtMidiIn::openPort: error starting MIDI input thread!

RtMidiIn::openPort: error starting MIDI input thread!

I would've just left it there, if I didn't manage to trick MilkyTracker by starting it up with ALSA as the sound driver, which gives the following:

Code: [Select]
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA: Failed to open device 'default' (Device or resource busy)

And then changing the driver to Jack, which add this to the output:

Code: [Select]
JACK: Mixer frequency: 48000
JACK: Latency = 1024 frames
cannot lock down memory for RT thread (Cannot allocate memory)

Thus allowing me to add notes with my midi keyboard when I set it's input to 129:RtMidi Input Client, which in turn points to 0:Midi Through Port-0 in my qjackctl "Connections" window (see diagram attached to post).

I think I was rather thorough, but if there's any links I happen to have left out, I'll fill them in.

Tracking / Re: Your writing's and sampling's way
« on: October 03, 2010, 09:00:44 »
I usually stop and edit patterns, unless there's a complicated rhythm I can't hammer out quickly, so I play/record to rough it out, and line everything up right.

For sampling, I cut loops in Milkytracker, and stick them in a folder for possible use in Schism Tracker, and save instruments for both trackers, if I feel a need at the time, and apply effects I can't get in a tracker to a sample in Audacity, and occasionally sample VSTs in OpenMPT if there's a sound I can't find.

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: MilkyTracker Portable?
« on: July 03, 2010, 01:20:27 »
Milky tracker is portable anyways.........

I always using it through my usb-stick it is a handy way to keep and update your instrument/sample lib without backing up anything

What are you talking about?

At the time of posting, I was really paranoid about regsitry entries as I wanted to take it to school with me, and didn't read the post close enough that kmuland made over there about Milkytracker.  Shortly after the post, I went back, read the post again, and promptly stuck MilkyTracker on my flash drive.  Just to clear it up...

MilkyTracker News / Re: MilkyTracker 0.90.85
« on: January 09, 2010, 09:33:26 »

I've been able to run it in Ubuntu 9.04, and Fedora 12 in my netbook, by the way.

Tracking / Re: Impulse/Schism tracker
« on: September 30, 2009, 10:47:24 »
Nevermind...  There was one menu I didn't look in, and that was the View Variables menu.  I never checked it out because I thought it was crucial settings for Schism to work.

Tracking / Impulse/Schism tracker
« on: September 30, 2009, 08:58:34 »
I was wondering if anybody could help me with Schism Tracker.  I'd use Modplug on my netbook, but I want to use all native Linux programs, and Modplug has some graphical issues in WINE I haven't gotten around to fixing by playing with settings.

I've got some experience in Modplug, and can, in five minutes, take a bunch of drum samples, and map them to different keys, properly tuned.  I can't seem to do this in Schism tracker, using the same method as I would in Modplug (load samples, make instrument, and map samples to instrument, and tune samples accordingly).  I only get to use the sample last highlighted in the sample list when I go to edit the pattern.  What am I doing wrong?  Is there something I'm missing?  I wouldn't ask, but it's been driving me crazy over the past month of fiddling with it.

MilkyTracker Support / Re: Fade keys?
« on: September 26, 2009, 23:11:07 »
Under the Instrument Editor menu, there's a fadeout option that defaults to Cut.  Adjust that as you please.  Then use the note-end key ("~" key in Milkytracker edit mode, CAPS LOCK in FT2 Edit mode).

MilkyTracker Support / Re: How do you make the [] note?
« on: September 17, 2009, 12:18:15 »
In Windows and Linux under FastTracker Edit Mode, it's caps lock, under MilkyTracker Edit Mode, it's the tilde key ( the one with the ` and ~ on it next to the 1 key on a QWERTY keyboard).

Research I just did holds says that the UK keyboard layout is identical to the US layout (I didn't know...), so it should apply.

The Lobby / Re: What sequencing (or DAW) software do you use?
« on: September 12, 2009, 23:36:04 »
As far as VST stuff goes, I use Modplug and Aodix, the latter I just tried last night and fell in love with.  I think Aodix qualifies as a hybrid tracker/sequencer, because it has a piano roll, and isn't tick-based like most trackers you see.  If I need vst and samples, I'll use Modplug, but I believe I can operate completely within Aodix, and I'll have to see about that, I guess.

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