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Topics - miarf

Pages: [1]
MilkyTracker Feature Requests / ft2-style shift-tabbing
« on: March 09, 2008, 23:32:28 »
milkytracker is otherwise stunningly good, but unfortunately even with the new "tab to note" -option, tracking isn't as fast as it was with ft2. here's the thing:

let's say you're on track 3, and you're inserting values to the effect column. now, if you pressed shift-tab in ft2, it would return the cursor to the note column of track 3. however, in milkytracker, it returns you to the note column of track 2! which means extra keypresses. disabling tab-to-note doesn't help, as then shift-tabbing will return you to the effect column of track 2, which means extra keypresses once again (as opposed to the original ft2 behaviour)

having to press more keys doesn't sound like a large problem, but when you have to do that a gazillion times, it really slows you down, and for me, renders the program nearly unusable :( this was noted in the old forums, and the problem was claimed to have been fixed, but it hasn't.

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