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Topics - EddsNotDedd

Pages: [1]
Help me find that... / Unknown Module from Crack Patcher
« on: September 28, 2021, 22:42:49 »
Hello! In a recording here... a module I'd really like to find, from a crack file released this year. (Though, the module is probably older to some degree, at least by assumption).
I'm sure it's tracked; the filesize of the program is under 200kb. I've been looking for it myself, searching for things under 100kb and for sines, but it's difficult alone. To my knowledge it's not on KGM. I find the idea unlikely, as the "r4e" who made this patcher isn't on that site, and it isn't an official R2R one so it wouldn't be on the R2R list (despite being made for R2R cracks).

Yes, I have already tried ripping it out, as can be done with most crack programs. No tool I throw at it -- not WinRipper, nor PE Tools and PE Browser, nor Hex Editors and Ghidra -- gets my head around nabbing it. (Though in those latter two cases it's probably just me not being smart enough for the job,  I can't find any headers anyways, so...nevermind all that.)

Since it's a crack disseminated across the web, I couldn't contact the person who made the program to get an answer. But I'm quite obsessed with the little melody, now - it's nice and serene. Slightly 'Stranglehold'-esque, although it is obviously not WAVE's work. That said - if someone recognizes it, could they please be of assistance? I'm fairly desperate at this point.


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