Music Production > MilkyTracker Bug Reports

Windows 7 - Milkytracker freezes on exit

(1/2) > >>

...for about 8 seconds, then it quits normally.

Using DirectSound (RtAudio4) audio driver.  Tried to switch to WaveOut (Vista) but it froze indefinitely.

Not a major issue, but does anyone else experience this?

If I only had a Windows 7 machine. I should make the switch at work, maybe I can fix some stuff.

Saga Musix:
I don't use Milky so I can't give a big comment on this, but when switching drivers, it also freezes on Win7 here (no matter which driver, happens with all WaveOut/ASIO/DX drivers) but the music keeps playing.


This was fixed in release 0.90.85.

.85 still freezes on exit when running from %ProgramFiles% or similar location and milkytracker.cfg doesn't exist. It is trying to save the configuration, but can't do so because higher access rights are required. If you first run MilkyTracker from another location or as an administrator, the file will be created successfully and configuration is saved normally from then on when running with restricted access.


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