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Messages - raina

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 13 14 15 [16] 17 18 19 20 21 ... 72
MilkyTracker Support / Re: XM to MOD... help needed!
« on: March 29, 2010, 13:38:24 »
Entering the BPM once on the first pattern will do fine, and should one want adjust it in a player afterwards (for whatever reason), it won't reset on every pattern.

Bug Report Archive / Re: Windows 7 screenshot
« on: March 25, 2010, 14:24:11 »
Thanks, but it would be nice to also see the desktop, preferably in 1024x768, and some signs of use. What I mean and what the screenshot page needs are attractive and interesting looking shots of the tracker in action in its working environment, not just what it looks like out-of-the-box, because that's what everybody sees first. Maybe change the look to your preference or to match the OS, display something in the tracker window that may not be covered in other shots, stuff like that. Oh, and 800x600 is a good size for the actual tracker window because it removes excess scrollbars.

MilkyTracker Support / Re: XM to MOD... help needed!
« on: March 24, 2010, 01:26:14 »
To expand on Saga's reply:

You can only use octaves 3-5 and indeed the samples' relative note has to always be C-4. If this makes your notes sound too high/low, you have to resample your samples up or down in the sample editor. (Or re-record or re-generate them outside the tracker.)

As note-offs don't exist in MOD, you'll need to kill or attenuate your notes using volume commands, like C00.

There's no place in a MOD to save the BPM value, so you have to enter it as an Fxx command. Values 20 and up (in hex) will set the BPM instead of Spd. Calculate/convert the value you want or get it by trial and error.

MilkyTracker Support / Re: How do i...
« on: March 22, 2010, 08:53:40 »

MilkyTracker Support / Re: How do i...
« on: March 21, 2010, 00:44:13 »
1. You'll want to use the 1xx, 2xx and 3xx (or 5xy for added volume control) commands.
2. 4xy, Vx (volume column) or 6xy for added volume control

See the manual (MilkyTracker.html) for effect command details.

3. MilkyTracker imports over 30 module formats by simply loading them in the file selector (OS or interal) or via dragondroppings. Unfortunately FTM is not supported for the time being. :/

MilkyTracker Support / Re: Old notebook vs Milky Tracker
« on: March 19, 2010, 12:15:23 »
If you grab an older version compiled for Windows 9x, it will most likely run. But it'll be slow. Whether it'll be responsive enough for you to work with is your call. I imagine you'll be needing a large buffer size for smooth playback, and personally I know I couldn't work with it being used to the real-time nature of Fasttracker II and the low-latency ASIO driver in MilkyTracker and Renoise.

If Milky is too sluggish (being optimized for portability rather than speed), there's still hope. You said your OS is going to be Windows 98. That means you'll be able to run DOS programs. Why not give the original Fasttracker II a go? The sound chip (there IS one, right?) in that laptop will probably be SoundBlaster Pro compatible, with which you'll be able to get 44100kHz/mono or 22050kHz/stereo out of Fasttracker II and even then it should run mighty fine.

You shouldn't worry about RAM usage unless it really becomes a problem. Both XP and 98 use virtual memory to run more programs than would seem possible by simply looking at the numbers. With 98 you also have the option of booting to plain DOS (MilkyTracker doesn't benefit from this), but I'd rather not go in-depth about optimizing that environment unless need be.

MilkyTracker Support / Re: Macbook octave changes
« on: March 16, 2010, 20:20:15 »
What about the Fn key?

(It's also possible to toggle the F-key behavior in System Preferences but that has the nasty side-effect of requiring two hands (or one VERY big one ;) to change sound volume on a MacBook. Which brings me to FunctionFlip, a nice little app that let's you individually set the F-keys to their generic or system/media functions, naturally all toggle-able with Fn.)

.85 still freezes on exit when running from %ProgramFiles% or similar location and milkytracker.cfg doesn't exist. It is trying to save the configuration, but can't do so because higher access rights are required. If you first run MilkyTracker from another location or as an administrator, the file will be created successfully and configuration is saved normally from then on when running with restricted access.

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