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Messages - Saga Musix

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 17 18 19 [20] 21 22 23 24 25 ... 240
I mean, there are tons of Amiga module formats that are very simple conceptually, but most of their sources will be in Motorola 68000 assembly language so depending on your background they are probably more difficult to get into (plus the hardware does the mixing, so you will actually not see any of the magic of that - the players just tell the hardware which pieces of memory to mix at which volume).
I don't know to be honest, maybe it's time to bite the apple and try something more complex. ;) In the end, you will see the same concepts being repeated again and again. Being able to at least read assembly language (Motorola 68000 and x86) can greatly help understanding how some of the older trackers work, as some of them are open-source these days but were obviously not written in high-level languages back then. Or maybe you'd want to start from scratch and write a new MOD or XM player with the stuff you've learned so far. You're always welcome to ask questions how certain things work if you're stuck.

Right now it's still in the upload queue, as there were a couple of other duplicate uploads I need to have a closer look at first.

It's not a technical issue - well apart from the fact that this feature is simply not implemented, which means that I would have to create a UI for it, test it, etc... - these sort of things would best be held back for an eventual rewrite of the whole website, which has to happen eventually.

The Lobby / Re: blue_orian modules
« on: March 09, 2021, 18:18:04 »
If you don't like the music, don't download it. We don't need to have a genre police here. Random picks can give you a whole lot of other crappy music, too. If you want a "safe" random playlist, I'm afraid you will have to listen to a curated radio station. ModArchive doesn't try to be that.

In general, before uploading a fixed version, please let us know beforehand on the forum because otherwise chances are high that duplicates will be rejected outright.

Letting us know on the on the module comments themselves is not the preferred way of communication because they will be easily looked over, plus it has the disadvantage that the old comments will be carried over to the new module when they are merged.

Sorry, the guessed artist database was a oneshot import, it's not going to be updated anytime soon.

The Lobby / Re: Generic Introduction Thread
« on: March 02, 2021, 20:02:07 »
The "modern" FT2 clone is probably this one ;)

The Lobby / Re: Generic Introduction Thread
« on: February 27, 2021, 13:39:07 »
Welcome! :) Starting is always the most difficult. Everyone started small - I think that's an important thing to keep in mind when your not confident to get started. Maybe the first results will be crap - but then it's important to keep going, analyze what wasn't so good and improve it in the next iteration. It applies to both games and music.

The Lobby / Re: Well, just saying "Hello"
« on: February 26, 2021, 18:39:56 »
Welcome! ;D

KorgLead is, as the name suggests, probably from a Korg synth of the era, maybe M1 / Wavestation. That's as much as I can guess but unfortunately I don't know either.
The choir samples are sampled at a very low frequency, which might make it hard to compare them to original, higher-quality sources. But it's probably also a well-known sample-based synth from the era.

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