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Messages - Zye

Pages: [1]
Help me find that... / Re: Dragon Tears 2
« on: December 09, 2010, 18:56:15 »
well, i still can't find the track on modland, and it's either not titled either titles, or just not there.

Help me find that... / Re: Dragon Tears 2
« on: December 07, 2010, 23:55:03 »
I've never heard of the song you mentioned, it would help if you posted a small excerpt from the recording you have, though

We aren't modland, so I can't answer your modland questions :p should i go about doing that? tho maybe i can just upload it to youtube for a short while..?  *does so, getting irritated with windows movie maker, it not helping i'm tired*

there we go!  hopefully it will remind someone....of....
well apparently it is a mod version of Bruce Dickinson's Tears of a Dragon.  Perhaps i will find the mixer and the original mod file now, since i know the actual title..Well that was sorta disappointing..i was hoping someone was an awesome artist on their own..ah well.

Help me find that... / Dragon Tears 2
« on: December 06, 2010, 17:41:24 »
Has anyone seen or heard this song?  if there was a way to share the mp3 i made of it i would to help..

I have been missing this track (or the original module of it, rather) for years.  I have a mp3 of it because i put it on a CD as a wav., and made it a mp3 later.  (My mom had did some "cleaning" of my files long ago and got rid of it..luckily i had that CD made before she did that)  I'd like the module so i'd know who made it, and to try and see if i can't find the first Dragon Tears song.  I tried all the other mod sites listed in the stickied topic, and even went through the entire txt file modland has of "all mods."  I didn't find that one, but i did find Warder's orginal "Lore" song! woot!  i've been looking for that forever!

but anyways, I wonder if the title of the song is actually different in its tags or something, therefore not named "Dragon Tears 2" at modland.  If there's a good way to share the tune to familiarize people with it, please inform me.  It's a lovely tune. = (

also, modland suddenly decided i needed a username and that because the admin was using it at the time?

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