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Messages - C14ru5

Pages: [1]
Hey everyone,

Below is a mockup that I made of a module that I haven't heard in about 20 years. But my musical memory is good, so it keeps reentering my consciousness... (500KB, 30 seconds)

The clip above consists of two parts, each from a section of the tune that I remember:
- First there's the intro lasting a little longer than a minute, which contains a female voice sample slightly downpitched saying "Level 1" right before the third(?) pattern starts playing. At the end of the intro, an 8th-note bass line starts playing, then the song stops for a brief second before the next part begins.
- Then the tune transitions into the theme played in the second half of the clip above. There's another voice sample saying "Level 2" right when the new theme starts playing its chords. Enter the bass line and drums, and then the lead starts playing on the 4th track.

The overall sound character is similar to modules written by jester/sanity - fairly aggressive drums with mild clipping and grain, but without sounding too distorted. Sample qualities are generally good, and it's a well-written and balanced mix. Based on the sound character, an educated guess would be to say that it's from 1992-93.

Have a listen, and maybe one of you can point me in the right direction. The first theme (the dual bellish 4th notes) should be heard immediately when the song starts playing, but all my 5-second song scans have not given me any results so far.

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