Music Production > Tracking

Remember that compo?


Remember the Odd Time Signature Tracking Compo that was due 1 december?

wouldn't it be nice to give it a One Hour Compo approach in defining the winner? We link our entries (which I expect every participant to have uploaded to the Modarchiveby now :) ) in this thread and have others vote  :thumbup: . How's that for starters, eh?

alright, I'll start. Here's my entry.
It's a riverdance-like track. The main theme is in 7/8 beat and the interruptions are in 6/8. I have used a Guitar, Flute, Violin, Strings and a Bodhran-suondfont which I found on ze worreld waaid webbe. :D

The Settler's Ramble

Very nice, I recommend you use the new link though. Uses the faster mirror servers.


ok, thanx for the advice. :thumbup:

Here's my entry... it  I imagine hearing it while wandering in the woods, after taking some magic mushrooms. Hence the title. :) It's supposed to loop.


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