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Oliwerko - introducing myself

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Hi there!

I am totally new to tracking (hence, I'm 17!  ;D) and I just discovered this small but powerful group of traker artists.

I am from Slovakia and currently spending all my free time trying to figure out what to do to learn tracking.  8) I am amazed of how good music you guys can make and also astonished how powerful the tracker software is.

I have some lame beginner questions to ask, so I'll do it here (I am not lazy to look for FAQs and tutorials, but you have much more experience than I have and there are not much of tutorials available):

1.What tracker do you recommend for me as a beginner? Milky impressed me, but I am open for suggestions.
2. How do you make own samples? I know it isnt easy but I read here and there that people do their own samples but I just dont get how they are made? What do I need?
Where can I learn more?

See you around!

Hi :) Welcome to the forums, and to tracking, i guess :)

Your questions are answered around the forums in various places but essentially for a quick compact answer:

1) It depends on your views of using the interfaces. Most of the trackers output exactly the same formats and have the same effects. OpenMPT is Windows based as is Milkytracker but OpenMPT has more in the sense it provides support for plugins (VSTs). Milkytracker on the other hand is oldskool, a modern clone of the classic Fast Tracker 2 DOS programme. Both have their strenghts, and there are other trackers out there too. i.e Renoise (not a standard format tracker though), MadTracker (same again). I dare say someone else may chip in with more.

2) There is a thread in the sampling forum about this, please check there :)


Well, to answer your first question, and, as m0d says, "chip in" :D I'd recommend OpenMPT. I've been using it for many years now, and I've found it really fast and intuitive. If you're completely new to tracking, it's a good start, because of it's traditional Windows interface. Check out the Modplug Forums for more info, and to ask specific questions about it. :D There are a couple of people from here who are also over there. In fact, once you start to know people, you'll run into them all over the "scene" websites. :)

Oh, and as m0d says, you'll want to check the other forums for more info on making samples. (But if you just want instrumental sounds, try downloading some free VSTs and sticking them into OpenMPT - it's one of the easiest ways.)

All the best!

Hi guys,

thanks for pointers, I am starting to understand all these things.
I wonder how good is OpenMPT in comparison to Renoise. I am currently a bit indecisive between these two...

Saga Musix:
Renoise is IMHO quite advanced stuff, so if you are new to the whole tracking scene, you'll probably want to try one of the more "classic" trackers (e.g. OpenMPT) instead of Renoise first... ;)


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