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Topics - 0xtob

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Hey guys, thanks a ton for the input you've posted here! Although I don't manage to react to each of those immediately, rest assured your input is very much apreciated and will not remain unheard! Really! With the open source release of NitroTracker on Google Code, I'll implement a new system for tracking feature requests and bug reports: The issue tracker:

In addition to what a forum can provide, this also gives me the possibility to assign priorities and milestones to issues, and assign them to code monkeys developers who will implement them. In the future, please use the issue tracker instead of the feature request forum, so we can have it all in one place.

Thanks a lot!

Edit by Saga Musix: Updated link from Google Code to GitHub

NitroTracker News / NitroTracker is now open source!
« on: April 07, 2010, 02:51:55 »
Hey guys! Finally, I got around to work on NitroTracker again, and the result is here:

That's right, NitroTracker is 100% open source GPL v3 code (the XM player is even zlib licensed, meaning it's open source, but can be included in closed source software).

Also check out the news on the NitroTracker page here.

I know, development hasn't been fast recently. The reason for this is that I graduated from university and started a (awesome!) job. Unfortunately, this has severely reduced my coding time, which is why I decided to finally make NitroTracker open source.

With this I intend to make development faster by getting some capable developers into the boat. If you're interested, don't hesitate to ask me! There's plenty of things to do, and it shouldn't be awfully hard to get started with the code.

Of course, not everyone is a coder :-) But you guys are doing an awesome job posting feature suggestions and bug reports on this forum! In order to streamline the development process, I've decided to move the place for feature requests and bug reports to the Google Code issue tracker. Read more about it in my post here.

So, in the next days I will go through all of the issues you posted here and add them to the issue tracker. I'll add some issues of my own, and this will result in a detailed plan for the following three-or-so releases.  Then, with (hopefully) more developers on board work will go forth much more quickly and tracking on the DS will become totally awesome!

To awesomeness, and beyond!

Edit by Saga Musix: Updated code repository URL from Google Code to GitHub

Hey guys, thanks a ton for the input you've posted here! Although I don't manage to react to each of those immediately, rest assured your input is very much apreciated and will not remain unheard! Really! With the open source release of NitroTracker on Google Code, I'll implement a new system for tracking feature requests and bug reports: The issue tracker:

In addition to what a forum can provide, this also gives me the possibility to assign priorities and milestones to issues, and assign them to code monkeys developers who will implement them. In the future, please use the issue tracker instead of the feature request forum, so we can have it all in one place.

Thanks a lot!

Edit by Saga Musix: Updated link from Google Code to GitHub

NitroTracker Community / Hardware MIDI: DSerial is back!
« on: October 29, 2008, 22:18:43 »
Friends of cables! natrium42 has come up with a fantastic new product, the DSerial Edge! It's a DSerial AND an adapter card with microSD slot in one device.

Hardware MIDI connection via DSerial is supported by DSMI, and thus the DSerial can be used to connect NitroTracker and dozens of other DS music apps to MIDI hardware.

Order now!!111

NitroTracker Community / Welcome to the NitroTracker Forum!
« on: July 10, 2008, 04:25:33 »
Hi, random stranger!

My name is 0xtob and I'm the author of a handheld music composer called NitroTracker for the Nintendo DS. Grab a seat and make yourself at home!

As of writing this, this place is still quite new so I can't really tell whether or not it will become a friendly community of NitroTracker users who help each other, exchange works, report bugs and discuss ideas and suggestions for NitroTracker, or if people will just hang around and talk about pictures of cats they found on the internet.

Whatever may be the case: Welcome to the NitroTracker Forum!

NitroTracker News / NitroTracker v0.4 is out!
« on: July 10, 2008, 04:13:07 »
Friends of NitroTracker!

It's certainly been some time since v0.3, but NitroTracker is still
alive - more alive than ever in fact! I can proudly announce:

But, even more importantly:

    NitroTracker v0.4 is finally out and ready for download!

Get it from


The main new features are:

   * Loops   
   * Volume Envelopes (drawable)
   * Multi-Sample Instruments
   * Channel Mute / Solo

Also: Lots of tiny improvements

There's hardly a part of the program that wasn't touched since the last
release. I've paid a lot of attention to detail in order to make
NitroTracker an easy and convenient to use, yet powerful mobile tracker.
Some of these changes are:

   * wav saving
   * free ram indicator
   * sample preview
   * the file browser remembers recent folders and files
   * improved xm player
   * volume column editing
   * sample panning
   * improved left handed mode

Want to hear what it sounds like?

Some awesome tracks made with NitroTracker can be listened to on the
download page:

New Tutorials

The documentation has been updated with new tutorials on editing samples
and loops. You can learn how to tune your instruments and apply volume
envelopes and how to hook up the DS to MIDI.

It's tested!

The NitroTracker beta testers have intensely tested this new release for
months to ensure I didn't miss even a single bug. And they sure kept me
busy! Thanks a lot you guys! If you want to join the fun, just drop me
an e-mail!

Opening of the Official NitroTracker Forum and IRC

Today, the official NitroTracker Forum kindly hosted by the Mod Archive
opens! No matter if you have questions, want to share your work, suggest
new features or report bugs, this is the place.

Also, NitroTracker now has it's own IRC channel! If you're up for a
chat, just join #nitrotracker on Espernet!

I'm very happy with this new release that I've been working on for a
long time now. To put it in Steve Jobs' terms:

v0.4 is the best NitroTracker in the world - ever!

Up till now, I must add.

Have fun!

NitroTracker Support / The official NitroTracker FAQ
« on: June 30, 2008, 23:40:07 »
This is the official FAQ list of NitroTracker. If you have additions or corrections, please post them below

Help! NitroTracker does not start!
Check if you have the latest version of your card's firmware installed. Some cards have broken DLDI auto-patching mechanmisms. Try to disable auto-patching and patch NitroTracker by hand. Fixing the filesystem with fsck or scandisk, or reformating the card has helped sometimes, too.

Oh noes! The file chooser isn't displayed when opening file disk tab / I cannot load or save stuff.
Make sure you patched NitroTracker with the correct DLDI patch. If your card supports auto-patching, try turning it off and patch NitroTracker manually. If it still doesn't work, check the filesystem with fsck/scandisk, or try reformating the card.

NitroTracker crashes!
Check if you have the newest version. If not, update. Else, send a bug report with reproduction steps immediately!

How can I convert my songs to MP3?
First, convert your songs to .wav using either a PC tracker like MilkyTracker or using Winamp with the disk writer output plugin. Then, convert the wav file to mp3 using an mp3 encoder like lame. Here's a list of free mp3 encoders using lame.

The DS is the future of music making! What other music software is there for the DS?
Oh, there's tons! Check out this list:

When I load a WAV sample, rel-note finetune settings are set to seemingsly random values.
OK, this is a bit unintuitive: In the XM format, samples are all saved with the same base frequency which is 8363 Hz. You cannot have samples at other frequencies, which sucks, but that's how they designed XM.  So, all frequency adjustments are done via the "relative note" and "finetune" settings. Now if you load a sample at some arbitrary sampling frequency intro NitroTracker, it calculates the relative note and finetune settings such that it is played back at the original frequency even though internally it gets stored at 8386 Hz. This is confusing.

Also note that the frequency of the sound in the sample has nothing to do with the rel. note and finetune settings. When loading a sample, NitroTracker just blindly copies it without even looking at it.

What's the maximum recording time when recording samples through the microphone?
8 seconds. I'll increase this limit in the future. The sampling rate is 16384Hz and the bit rate is 16, and there's about 3MB of RAM, so in theory the maimum length of a sample can be 96 seconds.

Can I use a RAM expansion with NitroTracker?
Unfortunately not. I've looked into using RAM expansions, but the DS's sound hardware cannot play back sound from Slot-2 memory expansions, which makes them pretty useless for NitroTracker. If you're close to the RAM limit, try reducing the number of samples, cutting samples, use loops in clever ways, or reduce the samples' sampling rates or bit rates using a wav editor like Audacity.

What file format must my samples be in?
Your samples have to be WAV files without compression, otherwise they will not load or they will sound corrupted. For converting samples, I suggest Audacity, LameDropXPd (for mass-converting mp3s), or sox for the more command-line inclined. Sampling rate does not matter and bit rate must be either 8 or 16 bit. Keep in mind that NitroTracker generates different notes by playing back samples at different sampling rates, and that an increase by one octave doubles the playback rate. The DS's hardware mixer runs at 33kHz, which means that samples above this sampling rate will be downsampled. Stereo samples are supported, but will be converted to mono upon loading. NitroTracker has about 3MB RAM available, which is the total space that your samples may use (the RAM usage of music data is negligible).

My samples sound corrupted wen I load them into NitroTracker!
Have a lok at the previous question :-) Also, check the file system of your card using scandisk, fsck or disk utility.

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