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Topics - Kmuland

Pages: [1] 2
MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Sample Autoseeking
« on: July 31, 2010, 13:57:06 »
I requested this feature to pailes in the early milky times.... now I see this feature implemented into renoise

Code: [Select]
* Sample Autoseeking, which will make large samples behave behave more
  like a traditional audio channel:
  You can start playing back the song at any position, and the sample
  will automatically seek to the current position in the song without
  having to be triggered via a Note On command. This works regardless
  of how far in the past the sample was triggered. Highly recommended
  for vocals, background ambiences and other recorded audio.

anyone brave enough to implement this into milky? :)

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / REC+play with note input trigger
« on: July 24, 2009, 13:42:10 »
a feature to REC in live mode(tracker playing)

REC mode "armed" (a button to enable/disable mode), and milky start to rec+play when a note is entered

I do that suggestion as feature request cause, if you want to REC in live mode.. you have to press play  and start to play into the keyboard. Its impossible to write in the 00row cause you cant press play and a note at same time

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / request: time-stretch samples
« on: August 20, 2008, 19:01:26 »
This tool is used to change the time and preserve the pitch of a sample.

The common problem in a tracker is append a speech or drumloop sample to fit in several rows without changing the pitch.

The current way I use to do this task is the following (it can provide ideas about how to implement the feature):

"lets imagine that I have a track at BPM 125, speed 3,  64rows... and I want to append a drumloop that is 4seconds long that will sound from row 00 to row 64.

1) the first step I do is calculate the length of this BPM 125, speed 3 pattern. I do a render of this pattern and then I load into milky and I read the time length into the sample editor:

time: 3.861 seconds

2) I load the sample that I want to stretch into the time stretch program and I set the amount of stretch to 3.861 seconds, so it will fit my 64 rows pattern.

3) If the tool is implemented into milky it would require calculate the full pattern time length where the sample would fit, and also the stretch size/amount measured in rows... so imagine ..

if I want to create a sample that will fit on 64 rows.. I just calculate the 64rows lenght and I apply this time length to the stretch amount.

If I want a sample that will fit in 32 rows--->stretch amount = (total pattern time lenght /2)

and so on....

Probably the hard task is code how to calculate the length size for X rows. (Could be possible doing a fast render of the pattern... calculate the time lenght and apply the setting to the stretch amount.

The milky stretch panel have to have a dialog to set the "stretch amount" => "X rows"

a video creating timestretch with external tools is available here:

Bug Report Archive / [no bug] CPU intensive usage
« on: May 09, 2008, 09:19:28 »

I have there a sample with a volume envelope that ends at a high volume.. but it fades out with the fadeout value that I added.

Set the jam channels on.

Now press multiple keys on the keyboard... If you have pressed more than 30 notes.. the cpu usage reach a very high level... also when the sound fades out to zero.

The CPU only is released and goes to normal activity when I press the stop button

Wanted: Music for Projects / project startup
« on: March 01, 2008, 17:05:14 »
this is a message from mr_lou  ;)

Hello fellow composers

I'm writing you because I'm creating a site at which I plan to become a link between indie game developers and musicians. This letter is an invitation to you as a composer, to participate in the design phase with your suggestions and ideas so that the site will end up being something you would like to use.

The idea
In short, I want to make it possible for you to offer your music to indie game-developers, so that they can buy or freely download your music, depending on your choices. A few steps I have in mind so far, is that you
  • register and login
  • click "New track", and input standard info such as Title, Duration, Style, Category (music, soundscape, soundeffect, loop part) etc.
  • click "Add file", and upload a specific format (mmf, midi, mod, xm, s3m, mp3, ogg etc)
  • enter info about the uploaded file (filesize, resolution, channels or polyphony, frequency etc) and availability (see below)
  • optionally click "Add preview", and upload a mp3 preview of the file

  • is this track available for exclusive resale? If yes, for how much?
  • is this track available for non-exclusive resale? If yes, for how much?
  • is this track available for free for freeware productions?
  • may the game developer manipulate this track as he sees fit (e.g. create his own mp3 version of your XM), or is this track restricted to be used in its available formats only? (you may upload several formats to each track)

Game-developers should then be able to search for music for their games by e.g.
  • format
  • max file size
  • style
  • availability (free for freeware? available for non-exclusive resale? exclusive resale? for manipulation?)
  • category (music, soundscape, soundeffect, loop part)
  • channels or polyphony
  • max price
  • maybe preferred bpm and more
A note about formats
You might be a tracker, doing MOD and XM files. You might also do MIDI files. Maybe you use a larger equipment, making OGG or MP3 your preferred format.

Whatever format you're doing, it can be used for a game on some platform. Flash games uses MP3 files. Nintendo DS, Playstation Portable and Gamepark (GP32 / GP2x) devices uses MOD and XM files. The Gameboy Advance uses S3M files (I think), and Java ME games (mobile phones) uses GM MIDI. Maybe you create a little of each, and that would make a track ideal for game-developers who ports their game onto multiple platforms.

So... That's the idea. What do you think? If this sounds like an interesting project to you, feel free to participate with ideas and feedback at

Some of the things I'd like some feedback about is
  • how should payment happen? Paypal? Bank-transfer? Game-developer contacting artist and agreeing their own method of payment?
  • do you think composers would have to agree on a somewhat equal price, or would it be fine to let the individual composer decide his own price?
  • should the files be available for download in their original format, or should the site only offer previews, requiring the artist to mail the original track to the game-developer pr. request?
  • and of course: do you think you'd use such a tool like


Roald Strauss
Mr.Lou / Dewfall Productions

Tracking / Join Modules Tool (it exist?)
« on: December 14, 2007, 10:04:47 »
There are many little and hidden trackers tools arround.
- replace sample text by an ascii drawing
- humanize pattern tools
- boobiesqueezer (for save size on 1k XM modules)

Exist any tool for join two modules?

Every composer here have the HD full of unfinished songs of 3 or 4 patterns lengh, and could create a bigger or multipart song just joining modules.

Tracking / IT tracker with FT2 GUI/edit mode
« on: October 26, 2007, 21:07:33 »
Im used to the FT2 GUI/edit mode.

There is any tracker that saves IT files and have a FT2 like GUI/edit mode?

Answer: no

There are lots of IT trackers being delevoped today:Chibytracker, Schism, Berotracker, and all of them uses the IT GUI, key shortcuts and edit mode. Others like MPT uses a windows like GUI that also seems hard to learn for brainwashed FT2 oldies.

Its so crazy the idea of an IT tracker for FT2 users?

Im pretty sure that many FT2 guys wanted to release IT files cause NNAs, filters, etc.. but the GUI/editmode of IT trackers was always a hell.

Learn the new commands for the effects is not a problem... the big problem is have to learn a new edit mode  :(

MilkyTracker Tracks & Songs / surround sound tricks
« on: September 22, 2007, 03:03:13 »
yesterday Coda explained me how Surround sound works into IT. Just right channel have inverted phase.

Surround can be used on milky too.

Load two equal samples. Enter notes in Double channels.. and set samples panned to 00 and FF .. and volume at 50% both.

One of the channels have to be phase inverted.. so go to milky sample editor and apply boost volume filter to -100% for invert ;)


Ok... this trick consume an extra channel and increase size cause you are using 2 samples of same instrument.. anyway not all channels need to be surronded.. only 1 or 2 per song could be enough for make the track sound "spaced"

btw the older trick for get surround is also available when command and volume effect column are empty:

double channel, pan hard to left right and add E11 command to the notes of a channel

MilkyTracker Tracks & Songs / NEW video tutorial: tempo sync
« on: August 08, 2007, 18:18:29 »

ok guys.. I know that all modern software have timestretching filter but MIlkytracker.
Here I show a way for sync any sample (drum loop, voice, etc) into a Milky pattern.

(Its a slow process. Switching between different programs sucks. But it Works) :-)

I Use here Cooledit for timestretch. Anyway you can use also Audacity.

Tracking / VIDEO TUTORIAL: Tempo sync
« on: August 08, 2007, 17:08:19 »

ok guys.. I know that all modern software have timestretching filter but MIlkytracker :(
anyway here I show a way for sync any sample (drum loop, voice, etc) into a pattern.

I Use here Cooledit for timestretch. Anyway you can use also Audacity.

More tracker videos available here:

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