Mod Archive Forums

Website => Help & Support => Feedback & Suggestions => Topic started by: ihateregistering on January 08, 2009, 17:28:20

Title: [Implemented] Mod Song Licenses
Post by: ihateregistering on January 08, 2009, 17:28:20
I think it would be a good idea to store the artist's chosen license with any song they upload to the mod archive.

Any existing song can be defaulted to "privately held copyright", while new songs can offer a drop down list of various creative commons licenses, private copyright, and any others that seem useful.

This would eliminate the need for others to wonder what they can do with the songs, while ensuring that authors who are not contactable can have their wishes respected long after they post a song.
Title: Re: Mod Song Licenses
Post by: m0d on January 09, 2009, 00:28:35
Will implement when i get the chance. Has been suggested in a passing conversation before but forgotten.

 It won't solve the majority, though. But it will help like you said.

For reference; Songs that have been uploaded from PD collections and are available via other public channels are PD (public domain). However, all songs that are uploaded via an attributed artist account whether PD or not are held under the terms in the upload agreement between the artist and TMA, meaning we can chose to redistribute those modules however desired, but cannot grant copyright or permissions on behalf of artists - that's still up to them.

So it'll help if I code in some CC/PD license options into the artist system.

Title: Re: Mod Song Licenses
Post by: m0d on January 28, 2009, 22:48:32
Implemented :) Took a ages to code, but all CC licenses are there as well as the PD declaration. Going to be running through some tests, it's not yet 'publicly announced'. If you have tunes you want to attribute a license to, it's available in the Artist Area under My Modules.

Title: Re: [Implemented] Mod Song Licenses
Post by: ihateregistering on February 10, 2009, 03:09:55
Excellent work!  Thanks for putting in all the effort.