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Music Production => MilkyTracker => Tracking => MilkyTracker Support => Topic started by: stomp224 on March 23, 2010, 18:18:59

Title: XM to MOD... help needed!
Post by: stomp224 on March 23, 2010, 18:18:59
I apologise if this is covered in a tutorial, or forum post I have overlooked, but I haven't been able to find an answer and hoped you guys could help.

I am working on some music that has to be tracked and delivered in .mod  format. although I have worked in Milky/XM before and experienced no problems at all,but Im finding the conversion a bit of a nightmare. :(

I've converted all my samples down to the required formats for .MOD (8-bit, less than 128k, etc.) and encountered some other issues! I will list them below:

I found my musical parts transposed down half a step after saving/loading as .mod. E5 becomes Dsharp5 for example. Percussion parts/channels are unaffected by this.

My 'Note-off' commands are being converted into notes (B7s)

After loading, everything sounds 1 8ve lower.

BPM resets to 125 on loading.

I am aware that there are big differences in the formats, but haven't been able to find a clear reason and appropriate fix for my issues.

I apologise if these are fairly obvious answers, but its driving me mad! I just want my .mod to work as intended!

(using latest DL [January?] of Milky on Mac OSX 10.5, My samples are 8-bit, with an SR of 22.5KHz, Milky project settings match this., if it helps)

Please help!  ???
Title: Re: XM to MOD... help needed!
Post by: Saga Musix on March 23, 2010, 19:45:00
I found my musical parts transposed down half a step after saving/loading as .mod. E5 becomes Dsharp5 for example. Percussion parts/channels are unaffected by this.
After loading, everything sounds 1 8ve lower.
MOD doesn't have the relative note setting, so the relative note will always be C-4.

My 'Note-off' commands are being converted into notes
use the C00 effect instead.
Title: Re: XM to MOD... help needed!
Post by: raina on March 24, 2010, 01:26:14
To expand on Saga's reply:

You can only use octaves 3-5 and indeed the samples' relative note has to always be C-4. If this makes your notes sound too high/low, you have to resample your samples up or down in the sample editor. (Or re-record or re-generate them outside the tracker.)

As note-offs don't exist in MOD, you'll need to kill or attenuate your notes using volume commands, like C00.

There's no place in a MOD to save the BPM value, so you have to enter it as an Fxx command. Values 20 and up (in hex) will set the BPM instead of Spd. Calculate/convert the value you want or get it by trial and error.
Title: Re: XM to MOD... help needed!
Post by: stomp224 on March 29, 2010, 01:14:00
Ah, thank you very much. I found a few of these via trail and error, mostly error! :)

With the BPM value - Do I have to enter thing on the first line of each pattern, or only once?

Thanks again for both your answers, it is a tricky format to write in, but highly rewarding! :)
Title: Re: XM to MOD... help needed!
Post by: raina on March 29, 2010, 13:38:24
Entering the BPM once on the first pattern will do fine, and should one want adjust it in a player afterwards (for whatever reason), it won't reset on every pattern.