Mod Archive Forums
Community => The Lobby => Topic started by: fuzion_mixer on February 08, 2018, 06:22:57
will TMA ever distribute musicdisks? we can host a compo where a theme is centered and artists can contribute...need not be anything sponsored, unless thats how hosting compos are supposed to run
we will expect the disk to contain many types of music so that every genre has a chance of being in it (as well as many artists)
if possible, it could be an annual thing...or an anniversary for something, etc. this could bring the mod community closer together, and perhaps we get a few new inspirations as well...what do u think?
In short: Rather unlikely to happen.
An "official" musicdisk requries some "official" person (i.e. me) taking care of it, and given that I'm already rather busy with everything around site itself, OpenMPT and other projects, it's unlikely I would find the time for organizing that. And quite frankly I am relatively sure that the result couldn't live up to my standards that I think such a project should have.
Maybe someone else can host their own compo here(Not officially "ModArchive", of course).
Any thoughts?
Of course they can. But it most definitely is not an "TMA musicdisk" as envisioned in the first post. I have not seen anyone doing that in recent years, though.
Maybe someone else can host their own compo here(Not officially "ModArchive", of course).
Any thoughts?
well it could be that way need not be an official musicdisk, just anything to get the ball rolling
I almost wish somebody will host a new compo here.
Almost because there's probably not going to be a lot of contestants if that compo was started.
i was hoping more of a collab than a compo, since no competition is going on here (albeit to an extent it is
we will expect the disk to contain many types of music so that every genre has a chance of being in it (as well as many artists)
)... a collaborative effort from the various artists here
i can see potential of many artists joining in though, since these past few days has been relatively stable for TMA. but i cant fail to see ur point there of lacking artists
I guess a collaboration would be fine.
I'm still sure there aren't going to be more of an amount than a number in the 10s of people who would be in the collaboration.
we can make a small one first...and if demand calls, we can make it bigger(?)
ok so where do we start? do we choose a date first...or maybe the theme...or maybe run a poll or something? ???
I guess we should choose the date first.
I think the duration of the collab development should be at least a week long. I have made 1 song in 3 days, but I don't think I'll be able to do that again(at least without being very formulaic).
u think 1 week is enough? i feel its too short...make it 2 or 3 is better, since we wouldnt want it done slipshod
And that's where the issue starts. You cannot just force people to be creative and come up with something in a week or two. I'd argue that even a month is too short a time frame for a project like this. Give people time if you want a quality release at all.
couldnt agree more, saga.
and...its not a collab per se but (i just realised this now) more of an album consisting of different artists' song relating to the it might take them a while to track a quality and self-satisfying song
Oh, ok.
It usually takes me less than a month to make my keygen music, so I didn't think it would take others way more.
I guess the duration should be 1.5 months? 2 months? 6 months? A whole year?
Which one is feasible?
i think 3 months is feasible...since its neither too short nor too long a duration
So what should the rules of the collaboration be?
TMA rules apply; no song >10 mins, no 'joke' modules...i'll think about more as time goes on
How would the theme be like in the collab?
i was hoping there would be a poll for that
Yeah, so what else do we have to decide before we start the poll?
I don't want this thread to die.
assign a group of people for handling this, so that it wouldnt be an unorganised mess...but who?
Maybe Fuzion Mixer can be the head of the collaboration.
Or someone with more time on their hands. I have time this week, but next week, not as much.
hahah i have a lot of learning to do to understand hosting this musicdisk...anyone who is interested, dont hesitate to reply to this thread
i might not have enough free time to do this solo, so members are appreciated to join us
Do you have an idea of when the collaboration will start?
probably around the June-September period
Okay, then I guess I would have time after the end of June that is, if I don't go on a vacation.
hahah i dont think i have enough money to go for a vacation broke for now
Okay, then. Considering only a few people are active at a time here, our choices are limited.
So we must choose wisely, even if it means that this thread dies.
in that case i think it would be a very small musicdisk this year
I wish there'd be enough people.
Can't promise anything but I'm slightly interested. I'll try my best to be serious ;)
well, at least we know someone cared for this to happen...would u like to be one of us (management), or are u just interested in participating in the musicdisk (or both)?
well, at least we know someone cared for this to happen...would u like to be one of us (management), or are u just interested in participating in the musicdisk (or both)?
Well, it was years since I made a module so I think I'll focus on making an entry and then perhaps I can help manage things. It'll be a 4-channel mod since that's what I have previous experience with, all these .xm and .it with all their channels, they're confusing me :)
dont worry, it will contain a variety of module formats (mod, xm, it, s3m, etc) as per the original post :)
Don't worry. A 4-channel MOD should have just as much chance to win as a 32-channel MOD or 32-channel XM or 60-channel IT. It's not all about the channels.
Or maybe we can all manage it together. What do you think?
Or maybe we can all manage it together. What do you think?
A group effort, I like the idea :)
I'm up for contributing a song. It's been a while (like >10 years!) but I picked up OpenMPT in anger again recently and feel bitten by the bug again.
Definitely need at least a month these days due to other commitments though..
Alright, cool. Are we ready to plan any rules yet?
Is anyone onboard that can handle the graphics/coding side of things?
I can make a UI in Visual Basic, but I don't know how to make it play directly from the MOD/S3M/XM/IT tracker files.
I don't think I can make a UI for tracker modules.
I had problems with libraries, Visual Studio, etc.
Perhaps an open question, but will we be allowed to rip samples off other peoples modules? Or is that mega-lame and frowned upon? :) I'm a bit new to the unwritten rules of the scene.
I don't think it's some weird hidden rule that they somehow expect you to know.
It is not easy to make your own drum samples, so I don't think taking samples should be that big of a deal, but I don't know if it already is.
So, is there any progress on this musicdisk, or the thread is dying?
It's only been a few weeks since the last post, but if this is still bumping, I'm sorry.
Well, progress is super-slow here :/ Got
two four patterns so far, haven't forgot about it though...
About the interface, I can't code (much) but Visual Basic might not be the best choice for development :) I was thinking some supersimple stuff made with Python/PyGame and then using libopenmpt or something for playback. Thoughts about this? We still need someone to actually code it though.
Augh, the search continues...
Or maybe we should abandon the music disk idea and just make it a SoundCloud album or something, though that probably warrants its own thread.
Has anyone cross posted this in other scene forums to get people on board?
Like OpenMPT, nectarine radio I can cover..
Since TMA isn't that active in the forums, I think we should try that.
Or maybe we should abandon the music disk idea and just make it a SoundCloud album or something, though that probably warrants its own thread.
Perhaps we don't have to abandon the idea but put it on hold for now since cooking up an interface that we don't feel ashamed of seems to take some time. A Soundcloud album sound cool, does still host free audio stuff?
A Soundcloud album sound cool, does still host free audio stuff?
Soundcloud...iirc it has a duration limit, so that's not a viable option, especially since this musicdisk contains 30+ mins of audio. Last I checked, does host free audio, so we could post it there...
Soundcloud...iirc it has a duration limit, so that's not a viable option, especially since this musicdisk contains 30+ mins of audio. Last I checked, does host free audio, so we could post it there...
I haven't used soundcloud much for the past three years or so but... isn't that limit per clip? You can group songs into a release, I have done so myself with a noise project of mine (unrelated to mod music, pm for link).
Soundcloud...iirc it has a duration limit, so that's not a viable option, especially since this musicdisk contains 30+ mins of audio. Last I checked, does host free audio, so we could post it there...
I personally wouldn't worry about it. Just create a new account for the album. It's not like we're going to have that many contributions anyway.