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Music Production => MilkyTracker => Tracking => MilkyTracker Support => Topic started by: Zowno on January 15, 2023, 05:30:36

Title: Milkytracker totally unusable ofter custom resolution
Post by: Zowno on January 15, 2023, 05:30:36
I tried to scale my resolution to 66% of my screen's native resolution and it immediately became greyscale and warped. See attached pic. I can no longer navigate to the config to change it back.

This remains an issue if I close it or if I delete Milkytracker and redownload it.
Can anybody offer any help into reinstalling it or resetting my problem?
Title: Re: Milkytracker totally unusable ofter custom resolution
Post by: data on February 09, 2023, 22:16:58
on wich os do you are in princip you just need to delete the config files(it's a folder on your computer) i know how to do it on linux but not on others os
Title: Re: Milkytracker totally unusable ofter custom resolution
Post by: mkie on April 03, 2023, 16:05:31
You have to delete the MT config file to start from scratch as your config seems to be broken.

Looks like you're on a MS Windows system. The MT config file should be in
(replace <username> with the username you're logged on)

Simply delete the file milkytracker.cfg (or even the complete directory MilkyTracker) before starting MilkyTracker again - and it should be working with a default config.
Title: Re: Milkytracker totally unusable ofter custom resolution
Post by: TheGoofy-Mouse on January 06, 2025, 21:58:48
I had the same problem, but using Windows 10.
I tried to find the MT folder, but I couldn't.
The MT configuration file is on my desktop, as that is where I leave MT
But even though I delete the settings file, the same problem remains. I'm having to use old versions now
cold you help me?
Title: Re: Milkytracker totally unusable ofter custom resolution
Post by: mkie on January 07, 2025, 15:19:34
Are you using the latest version of MT (1.05)?
As I'm running it on macOS, I cannot really help you with Windows ... BUT I can confirm that MT 1.05 still uses the same path for the config file as 1.04 did.
Maybe someone here has more information concerning the Windows version.

I had the same problem, but using Windows 10.
I tried to find the MT folder, but I couldn't.
The MT configuration file is on my desktop, as that is where I leave MT
But even though I delete the settings file, the same problem remains. I'm having to use old versions now
cold you help me?
Title: Re: Milkytracker totally unusable ofter custom resolution
Post by: TheGoofy-Mouse on January 07, 2025, 16:34:13
Oh wait, I already fixed the problem. no need to worry anymore. sorry for the inconvenience
I forgot to put the address bruh  :-X
Title: Re: Milkytracker totally unusable ofter custom resolution
Post by: mkie on January 07, 2025, 16:44:55