Mod Archive Forums
Music Production => MilkyTracker => Tracking => MilkyTracker Support => Topic started by: Zowno on January 15, 2023, 05:30:36
I tried to scale my resolution to 66% of my screen's native resolution and it immediately became greyscale and warped. See attached pic. I can no longer navigate to the config to change it back.
This remains an issue if I close it or if I delete Milkytracker and redownload it.
Can anybody offer any help into reinstalling it or resetting my problem?
on wich os do you are in princip you just need to delete the config files(it's a folder on your computer) i know how to do it on linux but not on others os
You have to delete the MT config file to start from scratch as your config seems to be broken.
Looks like you're on a MS Windows system. The MT config file should be in
(replace <username> with the username you're logged on)
Simply delete the file milkytracker.cfg (or even the complete directory MilkyTracker) before starting MilkyTracker again - and it should be working with a default config.
I had the same problem, but using Windows 10.
I tried to find the MT folder, but I couldn't.
The MT configuration file is on my desktop, as that is where I leave MT
But even though I delete the settings file, the same problem remains. I'm having to use old versions now
cold you help me?
Are you using the latest version of MT (1.05)?
As I'm running it on macOS, I cannot really help you with Windows ... BUT I can confirm that MT 1.05 still uses the same path for the config file as 1.04 did.
Maybe someone here has more information concerning the Windows version.
I had the same problem, but using Windows 10.
I tried to find the MT folder, but I couldn't.
The MT configuration file is on my desktop, as that is where I leave MT
But even though I delete the settings file, the same problem remains. I'm having to use old versions now
cold you help me?
Oh wait, I already fixed the problem. no need to worry anymore. sorry for the inconvenience
I forgot to put the address bruh :-X