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Music Production => MilkyTracker => Tracking => MilkyTracker Support => Topic started by: theyThemPronouns on October 03, 2023, 02:23:24

Title: Noob volume question
Post by: theyThemPronouns on October 03, 2023, 02:23:24
Noob question here.

I'll have, for example, a "D-4 .1 20 ..." on one line, and that plays at volume 20 as expected.
And on the next line I'll have " G-4 .. .. ...", and that'll play at 20 as expected.
But if I have "C-4 .1 .. ...", reiterating the instrument number, it jumps back up to volume 40.

Now I can see why it does this, I think. I assume it's the instrument's volume/envelope taking over again.

So my question: Is this expected behaviour, re-listing the instrument causing the volume to go back to 40?

Is there a music theory or other reason, besides "just history" (which I could totally respect, if that's the answer), why we'd want channel volume to go back to 40, if I've already set a volume level? I mean, I'm totally a noob, so it could be something obvious I'm not seeing.
Title: Re: Noob volume question
Post by: raina on January 09, 2025, 10:12:46
Necro, but you're not setting channel volume as there is no such concept in .xm. You're setting instrument volume, overriding the default in the instrument settings.

Notes with instrument numbers always revert to the instrument defaults.

Notes without instrument numbers re-trigger the sample associated with the previously used instrument but don't reset instrument settings or envelopes.
Title: Re: Noob volume question
Post by: theyThemPronouns on January 09, 2025, 14:04:26
Clarification is appreciated, even if the question had gone a bit necrotic.