Mod Archive Forums

Community => News => Website News Archive => Topic started by: m0d on May 24, 2007, 22:28:02

Title: Launching: Mod Archive Mobile (for PDA devices and such)
Post by: m0d on May 24, 2007, 22:28:02

Introducing the Beta edition of the Mod Archive portable/mobile. Suitable and tested on Windows CE devices and some GSM handsets. So far so good. It's not very advanced - it's not meant to be, in fact keeping it simple is keeping it ruthlessly clean and tidy. Fully W3C compliant code should go some way to ensure compatibility with many devices.

It will also work in your regular browsers, without further ado:

Visit ( - Modarchive Mobile Web


Do I win a prize now for innovation? Damn...

- m0d (Greg)
Title: Launching: Mod Archive Mobile (for PDA devices and such)
Post by: Eagle on May 25, 2007, 08:41:41
Awesome m0d! You have done it again! :hrrhrr:

Cheers, have a beer. :cheers:
Title: Launching: Mod Archive Mobile (for PDA devices and such)
Post by: the Deviant on May 25, 2007, 10:20:28
Sweet, works nicely with Blazer on my Treo 650 (Palm OS), search function OK, downloads OK (although I only tried a very small file)

Nice work m0d, just when I thought things couldn't get any more awesomer around here  


Sweet job, I'm impressed. Shame using my pda to browse costs me so much!

Title: Launching: Mod Archive Mobile (for PDA devices and such)
Post by: the Deviant on May 25, 2007, 15:49:09
meh, you didn't have it in large type bold before.
now I just look really F**ing stupid, thanks  :D

[edit]well we can't be having that now can we :) your post has been fixed to reflect your recent enlightenment :lol:)