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Topics - enax

Pages: [1]
Help me find that... / Looking for music from a demo...
« on: May 19, 2006, 02:31:12 »
Hi guys,

I'm wondering if any of you can help me find a music track from a 1994 Assembly demo. The demo is called Fairytale, and the group that made it went under name of Styx. The music tracks for the demo were written by MrWilloW. Now, the thing is, I have the demo, but it's so unstable it barely runs on pure DOS systems, and there's no way to start it up under Windows, it even manages to freeze DOSBox. But regardless of the horrible programming, I really love the music from it so I'd be thankful if anyone can help me. Alternatively, if nobody has the track, I'd be happy if somebody would tell me if there's a way to extract a music track from the demo itself. Anyway, I'd be really glad if someone here could help me!

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