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Topics - theyThemPronouns

Pages: [1]
MilkyTracker Support / Noob volume question
« on: October 03, 2023, 02:23:24 »
Noob question here.

I'll have, for example, a "D-4 .1 20 ..." on one line, and that plays at volume 20 as expected.
And on the next line I'll have " G-4 .. .. ...", and that'll play at 20 as expected.
But if I have "C-4 .1 .. ...", reiterating the instrument number, it jumps back up to volume 40.

Now I can see why it does this, I think. I assume it's the instrument's volume/envelope taking over again.

So my question: Is this expected behaviour, re-listing the instrument causing the volume to go back to 40?

Is there a music theory or other reason, besides "just history" (which I could totally respect, if that's the answer), why we'd want channel volume to go back to 40, if I've already set a volume level? I mean, I'm totally a noob, so it could be something obvious I'm not seeing.

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