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Topics - perrykragle7903

Pages: [1]
SONGS NOW IDENTIFIED! Thank you to user cs127

The video:

"Traffic flow measured on 30 different 4-way junctions"

0:00 to 1:20 - "12oz." by Darkwolf

1:20 to 6:07 - "Deep, pure feel" by temez0

I was postng this because I swore that I downloaded some song from this website that sounds exactly like the one used in the first half of this video. However, I have since forgotten its name. Very glad to hear I did not misremember it, only its name. The first song lasts from 0:00 until 1:20. The other song lasts between 1:20 until 6:07.

I'm also posting this on the hopes that anyone else looking for the first song, or even the second song might find their names.

Once again, thank you to user cs127 for helping me find the name of the song!

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