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Messages - raina

Pages: 1 ... 36 37 38 39 40 [41] 42 43 44 45 46 ... 72
Tracking / Re: A little dip into the old-school tracking
« on: December 11, 2008, 14:00:34 »
For cross-platform SID (C64) composing, try Goattracker. ("Tools" section at

Trackers started on the Amiga and you can use many of the current PC/multi-platform trackers to save MOD files. In MilkyTracker, you can get a pretty authentic Amiga sound and save compatible files although you still need to pay attention to things that would break compatibility. Ask further instructions if/when you're ready to go there. The basic guidelines are: 4 channel polyphony, 8-bit samples max 128kB each.

Sure we know BaSS, it was actually available on PC CD-ROM as well. And currently it's released as freeware so you can freely download and play it using ScummVM. The music on PC is MIDI and how it sounds can vary greatly on what MIDI synthesizer hardware/software you're using. The way you've probably originally heard it, would have been through the Yamaha OPL2/3 FM synthesis chip on some Creative SoundBlaster board, de facto standard of PC sound of the era. Nostalgia is one thing, but wavetable synthesis does wonders to the score. The music on the Amiga side comes from a custom player, probably very similar to MOD trackers/players because of the Amiga sound hardware, capable of playing 4 digital sounds samples simultaneously. I'm not sure which came first, but if I had to guess, Lowe probably rearranged Cummins' score for the Amiga.

MilkyTracker Support / Re: chords
« on: December 11, 2008, 00:02:51 »
Good thing pailes didn't ask YOU what to call those things then. :D

MilkyTracker Support / Re: chords
« on: December 10, 2008, 21:25:48 »
Not even 2 sounds like it's not a key rollover issue, but a case of jam shortage. Go, enable Jam channels in Config > I/O > Instrument Playback.

Makes me wonder what ever happened to the MilkyTracker-on-iPhone idea. Somebody would probably need to donate an iPhone to pailes. :)

Bug Report Archive / Re: Possible bugs in Milkytracker 0.90.80
« on: December 10, 2008, 20:33:37 »
I can confirm the 3rd issue on my iPAQ 3660. It doesn't happen with MilkyPlay if you first pause playback and then power off but since the sound system never stops in MilkyTracker, there's nothing you can do.

The Lobby / Re: Your favourites
« on: December 10, 2008, 20:07:01 »
If you look at someone else's list while logged in, the ones you already have on your own list are highlighted and labelled accordingly.

I saw this in action when looking at your favourites the other day and thought it was kinda neat.

Help me find that... / Info on this module...
« on: December 10, 2008, 12:54:54 »
Ok, let's do this the other way round! Can anybody identify the attached module? All I have is the text inside the module, and it doesn't give me much clues:

Code: [Select]
t_treo.xm: treo.comp(t.bp)

instrument list:
002                    shy
003             mystical
004            pounding
005           headache
006           uncurable

I remember downloading the song from a website almost but less than a decade ago. Not a module collection or anything, somebody put it on their personal website. People were starting to move away from trackers to bigger things, so it could be that there were also some mp3s available and the single module was just a little treat for people in the know. With my awesome k56, I might have skipped any mp3s and just downloaded the mod. If there had been any more, I would have put them in a dir and called it something which could help. But as it stands, one of my personal favourites remains anonymous. My best guess is that the composer is Swedish as searching for "Treo Comp" gives a bunch of Swedish pages about painkillers and the style of the song and the instrument text make me think it could be erek (emitter). But then again there's the t_ in front of the file name so it could be something beginning with a t like teori.

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Milky Screenshots, anyone?
« on: December 10, 2008, 11:27:36 »
Jpeg fail. ;)

MilkyTracker Community / Re: delay - latency when hitting a key
« on: December 10, 2008, 11:23:59 »
Use the Config, durk. By default, Milky uses these compatible sound settings so that it will work out of the box everywhere. This means using the slow WaveOut driver with a generous buffer setting on Windows. In Config > I/O, try changing your sound driver to DirectSound and reducing the buffer size until you get a better response time but don't go too low so that the sound starts crackling.

To further improve the response time on your setup would be using the ASIO driver which allows using even smaller buffer. On a faster machine the difference might not be that big but here this can help. You either need your sound card to support ASIO or if it doesn't (integrated sound chips, SoundBlaster cards..), you can download and install ASIO4ALL to emulate it. After installation, you should be able to select the ASIO driver in Milky.

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Milky Screenshots, anyone?
« on: December 09, 2008, 13:33:10 »
Stored for inclusion in a misc. screenshot section.

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