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Messages - raina

Pages: 1 ... 46 47 48 49 50 [51] 52 53 54 55 56 ... 72
So if i get this right, the instrument settings within the effects column like tremolo or vibrato are reset when there's an instrument number.

Instrument settings don't appear in any column, they are values set in the instrument editor. They dictate the default volume, panning, finetuning and relative note of a sample. They are essentially sample settings but they are called instrument settings because they are located in the instrument editor. An instrument can have 16 samples mapped across the 8 octave range. Each sample can have unique instrument settings and these settings can be overridden and modified over time with effect commands on the pattern.

So for example, if you play a note with a sample that has panning set to 40 (halfway between the left and center) and after that you use effect commands to pan the note towards right, the second you play another note with the instrument number in place, the panning will be at 40 again. But if you left the number out (and providing the volume hasn't faded out), the new note would in the same panning position where your effect commands left it. This is what I mean with instrument numbers resetting the instrument settings.

The rest of the instrument settings are ones that actually operate on the instrument level, i.e. they are shared between all samples of an instrument. These are the volume and panning envelopes, the fadeout value and the auto-vibrato settings.

There is no auto-tremolo but if an instrument is auto-vibrating with a sweep (i.e. vibrato depth increases over time), an instrument number resets the sweep and it will repeat like when the note was originally triggered.

But effects occurring already, cause the sample not to be able to be switched with another sample while effects try to continue on the "new sample". In which case the instrument settings would still be reset right?

It's simply a limitation of Fasttracker II, that switching an instrument number on a playing note doesn't change the instrument or sample. It just acts as if the new number was the same as the last one and what happens is the equivalent of playing a new note without restarting the sample. Now, in ProTracker 2.x mode you can do interesting things but man, I'm not going into that now.

It's good that you ask questions. It's just a little exhausting to answer them as I'm trying to figure out the ideas you are presenting and where to intercept that train of thought. What I'm trying to do now is stop wasting energy on that and lay down facts and hope it'll make sense to you. Eventually, at least. ;)

Ok this thread should have ended with

Yeah, it does.

because this is getting really messy. Obviously I misunderstood something you wrote and as a result we're not talking about the same thing anymore. I'm not arguing with what you're saying in your latest post.

I wasn't talking about switching instruments while doing a portamento because in .XM it's impossible to change the sample on the fly. And because in .XM a sample can only have one set of instrument settings, it doesn't matter which number is entered. The settings will always be reset to the sample's own initial values.

This is taking things a lot deeper than I did with my previous post where I only wanted to say that while portmento-to-note effects prevent a sample from restarting, they don't prevent an instrument number from resetting the instrument settings.

Instrument number always resets the instrument, that's what I was trying to say I think. Even with 3xx and Mx, which only affect the sample.

Yeah, it does. But you should note that whenever you insert a new note WITH an instrument number, the number resets things like volume and panning to the settings defined in the instrument editor.

MilkyTracker Community / Document restoration
« on: August 27, 2008, 01:14:48 »
If you've been reading Vhiiula's Techniques of Chipping on the website, you might have been confused about some of the ASCII diagrams that didn't seem to match the descriptions. The reason is that over the document's existence, it has been copied around and somewhere along the way some of the backslash characters were wiped out. I've now restored them from the original source based on this bit of info found elsewhere on the forums:

Originally published in HUGI #26

MilkyTracker Community / Re: The "block"
« on: August 27, 2008, 00:55:44 »
Sorry about the confusion. I remember we had a discussion about what to exactly call the box in the docs. Should it be key or note off and what's the exact format..? I believe it was Deltafire who got me convinced it should be "key-off". (See how well that stuck in my head. ;)) If you've got a problem with that, take it up with him, he's the Englishman. :)

All in all, I guess what matters is that at least now, your key-off key off keyoff note off noteoff related questions have been answered. :D

That would be the browser cache.

MilkyTracker News / Re: Port round-up
« on: August 27, 2008, 00:28:35 »
Oh crap. Sorry, midnight. I'll get right on it..

Wanted: Music for Projects / Re: Quick request : Cowbell Hero!
« on: August 26, 2008, 23:53:38 »
Fantastic tutorial.

Thanks. Feel free to quote me. :)

MilkyTracker Community / Re: The "block"
« on: August 26, 2008, 23:48:36 »
On the contrary, it may well save somebody the trouble of asking the question again.

If they bother to search the forum, that is. ;)

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