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Messages - raina

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 50 51 52 [53] 54 55 56 57 58 ... 72
MilkyTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: First try~ Shrink Gun
« on: August 24, 2008, 23:26:13 »
Now there's a familiar sounding firstie. This is what they used to be like, before the "chiptune this and square wave that" craze. It's obvious this didn't come from the desk drawer of a seasoned tracker musician but there's nothing wrong with the song. At the very least it shows you've got rhythm. That's good, and the foundation of everything else.

Don't worry about the samples, I'd say just about everybody has used that guitar sample at some point. ;) For a little more original stuff, give sample credit when you can (i.e. when the info is available or it's safe enough to assume).

BPM and tempo changes should come naturally once you guys get the effect command thing rolling.

We're mostly interested in the actual module file, the file size is probably way smaller.

Tracking / Re: Arpeggio, only 7 half notes?
« on: August 19, 2008, 20:59:52 »
It's just like that, something in the original programming of Fasttracker II. And if MilkyTracker is to play .XM modules accurately, these things must be replicated. There's first this boundary for notes where arpeggio stops working and going up there's another one that prevents playing the base note as well. It's no problem when you know it and how to avoid it.

If you need to use the same synth sound (for example) in a song, it's sometimes wise to use two samples of it, a low pitch/higher resolution one for playing low notes and a high pitch/lower resolution for high ones. That way you can have both quality (where audible) and range.

A blank pattern is a number you haven't yet used in the sequence. If you repeat a number, it's not a copy of a previous pattern, it IS the pattern.

SEQ adds the next (sequential) unused pattern in the sequence. CLN clones the current pattern to the next unused one. INS just inserts another instance of the current pattern in the sequnce. The + and - increment and decrement the pattern number respectively.

To add a blank pattern, simply use a number you haven't used before.

Sure MilkyTracker can load game music, if it was made in a tracker, which is fairly marginal these days. Actually, it always was on the PC where MIDI and Adlib music were more common. There is no such folder or codec support, MilkyTracker can import over 30 tracker formats as is but very few games use them. Exceptions include older Epic Megagames releases like One Must Fall 2097, Jazz Jackrabbit and Epic Pinball which use the .PSM format (converted .MTM), Disney's Aladdin that uses .AMF (converted .MOD) and Unreal and Deus Ex which use .UMX (converted from various standard formats).

It is taking a lot longer than originally planned to support Un4seen Developments' .MO3 format which is MOD/XM/IT/S3M with MP3/Ogg Vorbis/Lossless sample compression. This format is used by some indie and casual game developers nowadays. For now, you need to unmo3 the files first.

Of course there are also games which use common module formats straight up. But you can't expect MilkyTracker (or any other software) to universally convert any game music to tracker format. Streamed audio has been ruling the market about since CD-ROM games came out.

Tracking / Re: Arpeggio, only 7 half notes?
« on: August 19, 2008, 09:59:36 »
You easily test this. Does the arpeggio work if you play C-3 instead of C-4? If so, your sample pitch is indeed too high. This is relative note (instrument editor) combined with the actual note you write down.

To fix this, try resampling your sample down 12 semitones. If you do it with the Precise Sinc resampler, you'll lose very little quality (often unimportant with chip samples which I assume you're dealing with because of the arpeggio) but you should be able to arpeggiate higher notes. The result should be increased sample pitch in relation to note (=relative note).

MilkyTracker Tracks & Songs / Downloading songs (Attention guests!)
« on: August 13, 2008, 23:14:17 »
Hello guests!

People often post their MilkyTracker songs in this section of the forums but the file attachments in posts are invisible to guest users. So if you're interested in checking out what people's first steps in tracking sound like and more, it's recommended that you register in order to get to the downloads. This is stuff that won't necessarily get added to Ye Archive but it (and the feedback) may provide insight, especially to learners.

MilkyTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: First try
« on: August 13, 2008, 22:59:32 »
A very nice firstie! Tell us, what trackers or other soft/hardware have you used before, and for how long?

This has a nice introish feel to it, in the demoscene sense. Takes me back to the DOS days and I can just picture a short intro with bright colors built around the tune.

MilkyTracker Community / Re: absolute beginner!
« on: August 09, 2008, 14:23:37 »
Dunno how the frequency table got changed but trust me it doesn't matter. Since it's not possible to use the linear one in mods, the Amiga one is forced. It's not an error but a warning telling you to check the song sounds correct with Amiga freqs.

MilkyTracker Community / Re: absolute beginner!
« on: August 08, 2008, 22:10:26 »
I am curious about the audio file type for the Nintendo DS.  Strangely, there is no information out there about it.  I'm guessing it is tracker based files?

I don't think there's any one type but rather it is whatever the programmer makes it. The DS specs are something like being able to play 16-bit audio at 32kHz on 16 channels. So a multichannel tracker and a player can be made to work on the DS (see Tob and sverx's efforts). It is possible but not a standard. Professional DS musicians are probably composing in their sequencers and utilizing proprietary tools.

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