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Messages - ClrFog

Pages: [1]
NitroTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: MatriM3's Songs
« on: January 19, 2009, 12:46:30 »
what exactly went wrong with the downloads?

Me, it was late and I didn't see the capchta in the corner, it looked as the files were removed. Works just fine if you just take a proper look.

NitroTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: MatriM3's Songs
« on: January 17, 2009, 23:31:52 »
The downloads didn't work for me but I went to your space. Cool tunes. Keep tracking and upload and spread the word about Nitrotracker.  :)

NitroTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: A ditty of mine
« on: November 20, 2008, 11:01:39 »

Great app! Looking forward to the next incarnation. (More tracks and automation, please!)

You know you can add up to 16 trax?

Maybe this would make a nice future "product" to compete with the Korg DS-10 :)

Yes yes yes!!   :D

NitroTracker Feature Requests / Black out screens
« on: July 19, 2008, 17:29:08 »
Probably won't make much difference but how about an option to black out the screens to save some battery?

Yes I bielieve it does, backlighting is often the most current consuming part of an embedded system. As an example I am developing a handheld device at work with a display and the backlight consumes more than 100 times the current of the display driver chip.
Good idea!  :)

NitroTracker Support / Re: Adjust note volume/velocity
« on: July 13, 2008, 15:30:01 »
Am I missing something here? Individual volume off notes is implemented in 0.4. This together with panning is the best feature in this release for my work I think.

NitroTracker Community / Re: Greetings from Zeroth
« on: July 13, 2008, 15:24:43 »
Nice to meet you, hope to hear some stuff soon.  :)

NitroTracker Bug Reports / Re: A tiny bug but anyway..
« on: July 11, 2008, 23:40:49 »
Yes, its really no big deal, the new realease feels alot more stable on my hardware than 0.3
I love the new features.

NitroTracker Feature Requests / clr-button functionality
« on: July 11, 2008, 22:25:43 »
I am putting mine here, please fill in. Topic might need its own sub category.

When I press and hold clr-button it should start scrolling down, clearing the notes as it descends. Also pressing and holding clr while playing should delete notes as they come.

Loading and saving instruments would be perfect.

NitroTracker Bug Reports / A tiny bug but anyway..
« on: July 11, 2008, 22:09:19 »
I get to be the first to post :D

When I switch between Load/save and sample editor the RAM-meter somtimes hangs and remain on sample editor.

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