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Messages - gho

Pages: [1]
NitroTracker Bug Reports / Re: SC micro dldi related save bug
« on: July 18, 2008, 17:53:22 »
Sorry for the noise. I checked with chism's dldi_tester. The "sclt.dldi" indeed has problems with unaligned reading and writing.

Barni's scrb.dldi did the trick. Yay!

The idea is pretty cool. The DS as an ultra portable field recorder.

NitroTracker Bug Reports / SC micro dldi related save bug
« on: July 17, 2008, 22:14:02 »
Hi there!

First of all, thanks for this awesome piece of software, tob! Big improvements! However, I have a problem with saving to a micro sd card on a SC lite. I patched with "sclt.dldi", but I think this driver is somehow suboptimal, for I do experience problems with different homebrew.

To give an example, there were some problems with Colors!, but the author somehow managed to fix it.

The bug may be reproduced by simply trying to save a song. The "One moment please" window appears and stays there for quite a while. The saved file is corrupted, and can not be loaded ("Doh! Pattern too long!").

I think about switching to another solution, for Nitrotracker definitely is worth it.



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